ABeers972 Member


  • Well done =) Im 30 ilb into my own hopeful 100ilb journey ( started at 270 want to be 170 ish) This is not the first time ive tried but is the first time i think i will succeed and seeing story like your keeps me going strong - i hope to be able to post a similar thing in 12 months time!
  • Rest days are to let the muscles you have been using recover - theirs no reason you cant train other muscles, body builder train pretty much every day of the week but focus on a very very small muscle set each day so as to not overwork any individual muscle A classic training scheduled is push - pull - legs & Repeat as it…
  • I have been pre-logging my day and that likely the only reason i have so far stayed within my goals. I'm just wondering if theirs anything i can do to cut down on the desire to snack Outside of work i'm reasonably active and have a fair few active hobbys and while im busy that seems to keep whatever wants me to snack at…
  • Staying motivated is probably the hardest thing for me as well. I have given up in the past before i understood my own motivation / drive system I find that having a goal of just losing weight is not enough of a goal is just not enough of a motivator for me, i do have something else in mind i would like to do which will…