angel7747 Member


  • Right back at ya!
  • Its not dangerous to try and do something good for yourself and your body. She didn't make those claims herself..she was citing other sources. And we can't even tell people what causes most cancers so believing that a certain lifestyle can help your health, whether unsubstantiated or not, is hardly dangerous. She's not out…
  • I agree with what you are saying as i do believe in CICO. But I also agree that things are only unsubstantiated until they arent and from what I can see, from studies that have been performed, they did find benefits such as reducing insulin resistance, therefore lowering your risk of Type 2 Diabetes..albeit these study…
  • Actually @singingflutelady, from what I read about it before coming to this thread, almost all stated that you should still stick to good food choices such as fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, etc, and that IF is NOT an excuse to stuff your face with poor food choices. Where are you seeing that an actual study said they…
  • I dont know how to respond to each of you personally..But Duskyjewel, in my post I no where brought up what your comment was about. I am not an expert on IF..nor am I guessing you are. If it works for people then it works. If it doesnt then it doesnt. I saw your previous comment that it has been debunked by reputable…
  • Here they come! I LOVE that you all got THAT out of my post. Its like talking to a damn wall. I didnt miss that where in there do I see that she said it "CURES CANCER." OR did YOU miss that post? Prevent Cancer...a process that we can control can contribute to cancer...these arent new ideas that what you put in…
  • I am amazed at the backlash given to LeeshaSeal for giving her own account of IF and how it is helping her. I read through every post and never heard her say once that she "knows everything" or that "her way is the only right way" or that "IF cures cancer." In fact, she has been very open about the fact that while she is…