cid_mar Member


  • Add me up! My little guy is just 4 days shy of 4 months. No such luck losing weight even with exclusively breastfeeding, so here I am. :)
    in Mom Bod! Comment by cid_mar June 2017
  • All of the above. And I really hate "loose" weight and "loosing" weight. No one can spell lose and losing anymore. :/
  • Ugh. The dreaded phrase "starvation mode." Shudder.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm sending you a request. My kids are all over the place age-wise (20, 15, 10 and 3.5 months), but I get the whole raising little kids thing, and I'm EBF my littlest one, born February of this year. It's been tough going getting in any exercise (he's a very demanding baby), but I'm working with what I…
  • I don't seem to burn a heck of a lot breastfeeding. Certainly not 500 calories. Maybe 300 calories. There's no way I could pack in even 2,000 calories without stalling or gaining, unfortunately. I EBF, and my weight was creeping up postpartum in spite of this. Still playing with caloric amounts, but currently have it set…