janinatab96 Member


  • I work an 8am-4pm office job, so on weekdays I get my workout in at 5:30am. I highly suggest trying morning workouts if possible!!! It was an awful first week, but after that, It surprisingly gave me such a burst of energy throughout the day. I used to have to down 3 coffees a day to stay awake (awful habit I know) but now…
  • 5"2 here and currently about 126lbs! Mostly focused on getting stronger, toning my muscles and being able to run 5k. In terms of weight, I hope to get back to my pre-university weight of 110lbs haha. Please add me!!!! We can do this together :blush:
  • Hi everyone! I am new to the group... please add me if you like! We can keep each other accountable :smile: I have just recently (started last monday) waking up every morning at 5:30am to sneak in a 40 min workout before heading off to my 8-4 job. I am 5'2 Highest Weight: 149lbs Start Weight: 135lbs Current Weight: 126 lbs…