Oh. I use measuring cups.
I'm 5'2". I use myfitnesspal and calorie calculators to figure out intake.
This isn't a safe area to run in. I did find some YouTube full body workout videos though.
Sorry for some reason my whole post didn't load.
How do I do that?
Not sure what body type I am. Most of my weight is in my legs belly and hips. I was always thin until I had a baby. So it's all baby weight (8 years later and it's still there lol).
I don't do the same weight for everything. That's just max I can do for some. Like bicep curls I couldn't even do 1 at 20lbs.
Yes. That's the one I have. I don't follow a program. I just try to do as many things as I can think of that this machine will do. And I do that 3 times a week.
Thanks everyone!
It was less than a week. I've just never seen this. If my weight isnt going down it stays the same.
I am 5' 2 and started at 165. I gained 50lbs with my first pregnancy. So I'm trying to get down to prepregnancy weight.
Thanks everyone! I did do progression pictures but I dont see a difference. I can't wait to see even just an inch. On the plus side I can go on hikes without getting winded.
What else do you need to know? Its a nordictrack cx 925 if that helps.
Cooked or raw it's still not good. Ive prepared them diffrent ways and still cant handle it. I'm trying to keep my calories down and heat healthy but there's not very many meals that can do that. I'm getting sick of eating the same things all the time. Like if I eat chicken breast for dinner with rice. That just doesnt…
I've been trying for several years different veggies and preparing them differently. I'm having a hard time finding anything I like. Zuccini noodles will be my next attempt. It so frustrating that I can't find anything I like. I feel like the only person in the world that can't handle them.
Starting weight was 165.