mslotten77 Member


  • Just an update. I've stayed at the 4000 calorie average. Put on 3.5# the first week. Some of which was probably water, I wasn't drinking enough before. Cut out all caffine. Last week 1.7# gained. Been lifting consistently every other day. Will see what next week brings.
  • That being said the day after and now after these calories I feel amazing physically. More energy, more alert, sleeping better than I have in probably the last ten years. I've slowly been cutting the caffine in the mornings because I have more energy. Tomorrow I will be going through my morning routine with out it.
  • No reason. Wouldn't eat a breakfast light lunch followed by decent dinner. Some days were worse/better. I'm not scared of ten pounds of fat right now at all. Now I have started doing some simple body weight training at home and will be checking out a gym membership this weekend to keep the fat at bay and focus more on…
  • This was yesterday. Really not that difficult breakfast, lunch, and dinner about 1000 each plus a high calorie shake and misc. to get to 4000. Granted its high in fat but I'm willing to guess I'm hovering around 5% body fat right now. Last visit to the doctor I had a scan of my chest done to check out my lungs and they…
  • Thanks mfp wants me at about 2780 I'll dial it back some.
  • Not an iron man but dangerously under weight. I'm 6'3" and 138# I need to get some weight on. Don't have much left to lose. Just stating you can throw 5-800 calories together quick and easy in a blender if you need to hit your goals.
  • I just started a weight gain high calorie diet. And am scary thin. That being said I've learned a lot about high calorie shakes. At this point early in I'm not concerned too much about fats but. Fire up the blender, whole milk, Greek yogurt, bananas, blue berries, some oats, etc and you can add a lot of calories. Yesterday…