scubatroll Member


  • I lost 50 lbs on my Keto diet and was able to get off all my blood sugar meds ( 4 metforman and 4 glipizides a day). My blood sugar averaged around 115-140 range However I went off Keto a couple weeks ago and immediately put on 5 lbs and saw my blood sugars soar back to 170-220 ranges without meds. So I’m going back on…
  • Low carb, under 30 grams per day, seems to be the key for me. It is a tough diet to follow though. I have been able to go from 4 Metformin & 4 Glipizide's per day down to 2 Metformin and 1 Glipizide per day. I no longer say, "I can't eat bread". I now say," I don't eat bread" This change in thinking has helped with my…
  • That is probably the best explanation I have heard for my high blood sugar in the morning. Thanks
  • I decided to go Keto again. Trying to keep my carbs less than 20 grams a day. No breakfast, but for lunch I had a McDonald's double quarter pounder with cheese and threw away the bun. Macros were 42 g fat, 45 g protein, 5 g carbs & 1 g sugar. The hard part will be when I get wife has a strawberry pie that is…
  • Here is a conversion chart for blood sugar levels:
  • Yes, my blood sugar is always higher in the morning that at night. Mine was 171 this morning although it was only 123 when I went to bed. To me that sounds like a big spike, I usually don't worry too much about my blood sugar if it is in the 120-170 range. Your range of 5-7 converts to 90-126. I wish I had those numbers. I…
  • Thats good to know...I don't usually drink water at all. Coffee is my kryptonite. I have about 8 cups a day
  • "I watched my weight start to go back up to 127 " I meant 227
  • Thanks for your comments. I agree that the food pyramid is genuinely flawed. I too am using this site to chart my food and my macros. IT is the only way to really know haw many carbs and sugars I am taking in per day. A couple years ago I got up to 240 (my highest weight) and this is when the DR said I was pre-diabetic. I…