Currently , Smite and Horizon
I missed it somehow , I'll check into it now
I figured that it's the quickest way to drop the weight since I've already lost 3 pounds since starting this past Monday. I guess I'm afraid if I venture out of what I'm doing now I'll pack back on the pounds I've worked so hard to lose already .
My goal was to go by this diet plan for a month to see how much weight I could lose and then Branch out my food choices from there.
Thanks for all the quick responses and information !
I know lol. At home I feel like I get more dressing on my salad with just the 2 tablespoons and I'm content with that but when I'm work we just have the ranch packets and I feel like I barely have any dressing. I read 2 tablespoons is all you should use on your salads ? Is that right ?