karst_runner Member


  • Chicken breasts, turkey, protein shakes, Greek yogurt, and my all-time favorite, egg whites. Eggs are my "go to" more often than not. They're super easy to prepare and can be eaten with almost anything.
  • While I just started using the app, I'm no stranger to exercise and losing weight. I finally had to start tracking my meals as I had hit a plateau... The hardest part is starting and remembering that you're doing it for yourself, nobody else (although by doing it for yourself you may, improve the lives of others). I…
  • Welcome, I'm new too. I'm the same way in regards to eating it if it's there. Especially at restaurants... I joined because I have been busting my butt with no loss results. The answer was always there; I'm eating too much. Though I've only used it for a week, I like how the app holds me accountable. I can see exactly what…