snarah1 Member


  • I've lost almost 80 pounds by using premier protein shakes (I like the banana the best). I replace breakfast and lunch on weekdays with them. As long as I stay busy, which as a teacher that's not hard, I don't feel deprived. It's the weekends when I have more idle time that I want to snack. I get my shakes at walmart.
  • How many calories did you do for maintenance? It seemed like bumping up to 1500 caused me to gain weight. I'm not sure if it was the increase in calories, or the types of food I used to increase with (fruit and nuts). I wonder if it would help to use a different source of says fats or carbs, or does it typically matter?…
    in Plateau Comment by snarah1 June 2017
  • Thanks..I did try upping my calories a few weeks ago, just by adding in fruit and almonds. Within days I had gained six pounds...So, I stopped that:) I'm guessing it was perhaps water weight, or some sort of carb shock.
    in Plateau Comment by snarah1 June 2017
  • I have updated my settings if that's what you mean? So, my current weight is accurate. I log what I eat every day, and weigh everything, but am not necessarily watching to keep below the limits set in myfitnesspal for protein, sodium, fats, etc. Does that seem to help? I really am only watching carbs and calories. I'm…
    in Plateau Comment by snarah1 June 2017