NowItsTime4Change Member


  • I struggle with drinking enough. I get up and if it’s a rare day I have breakfast I don’t have a drink. I can easily get till 4pm without drinking anything. There have been many evenings that I get home, have dinner and it’s then at 6pm that I begin to get a headache and realise I’ve not had anything to drink. I bought…
  • Thank you for your replies, very helpful
  • I’m in Belgium, I brought up my weight during an appointment with my Dr and told her that whilst I’ve always been bigger build I am fed up of being fat but was struggling to apply my limited knowledge of good nutrition into practice. She first told me she didn’t think I needed to be concerned but when I told her how much I…
  • Ah ok so I am ok literally just grabbing a banana to eat in the car on my way to work if I fancy? I’d been to a nutritionist who had gone about that I needed to eat the three main meals and snacks in between but I find it quite difficult to do that. Weekends are just as bad, I will be up by 8am but don’t eat anything till…