How to get yourself to drink more water?



  • Iwantahealthierme30
    I drink 500ml bottles. I have 2-3 of those a day, it seems that's enough to keep me hydrated.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Try the app plant nanny, it helps me remember
  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    I wake up and fill my 32 oz water bottle with hot water (in the winter) and sit down and don’t get up until I drink it all. The rest do the day I just eat lots of fruit and vegetables, sometimes I have tea, but I don’t drink anymore water unless I get thirsty.
  • ZRunner5Lulaica
    ZRunner5Lulaica Posts: 168 Member
    I can't do plain water most of the time. I just feel it lacking (I grew up on well water, so I'm used to that minerally taste). I buy flavored water or do infusions to give it something extra.
  • ainy_shah
    ainy_shah Posts: 8 Member
    I am taking more then 2 litres every day.
    Trust me just start taking a glass of water in the morning right after u wake-up,it really helps alot.
    kandell is absolutely right!
    From last week I have started taking lemon with water as well.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    This is a problem for me too. I drink very little water and alot of Diet Coke. I really need to drink more water, but Diet Coke tastes so much better.
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I try to have a glass of water after going to the bathroom. I like tea and drink that alot. Any liquid counts as water intake. Putting a slice of lemon or lime in it, or mint can give it a different taste.

    Not alcohol....

    It depends on the alcohol content of the beverage, though. Beer does actually hydrate you (although likely not as well as non-alcoholic beverages).
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    fuzzylop72 wrote: »
    I try to have a glass of water after going to the bathroom. I like tea and drink that alot. Any liquid counts as water intake. Putting a slice of lemon or lime in it, or mint can give it a different taste.

    Not alcohol....

    It depends on the alcohol content of the beverage, though. Beer does actually hydrate you (although likely not as well as non-alcoholic beverages).

    That has much more to do with the electrolyte and micronutrient profile of light/NA Beer, than the alcohol.
  • SwissHausfrau
    SwissHausfrau Posts: 83 Member
    I bought a soda stream that carbonates my water. I drink 2 of the refillable bottles a day. I carbonate them in the morning and then I can see clearly how much I'm drinking. Slices of citrus fruit liven the water up.
    I also just started drinking herbal teas. liquorice and peppermint or lemon and ginger are my faves. I'd always thought of camomile before when anyone mentioned herbal teas and that smell still makes me feel ill so it was hard work finding one I liked. Now I like having a warm drink when its so cold outside.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I drink sparkling/carbonated water. It adds a zip to it and I can drink that all day long with ease.
  • wyogal79
    wyogal79 Posts: 69 Member
    I usually get the great value drink enhancers, they have a lot of different flavors. No calories and I can drink up to 2 32 oz mugs.
  • NowItsTime4Change
    I struggle with drinking enough. I get up and if it’s a rare day I have breakfast I don’t have a drink.
    I can easily get till 4pm without drinking anything. There have been many evenings that I get home, have dinner and it’s then at 6pm that I begin to get a headache and realise I’ve not had anything to drink.
    I bought myself a big pink bottle, it holds 800ml, I keep it with me throughout the work day (leave it in the car if it’s cool weather and I’m visiting customers) and try to have that during the day.
    I use water with no sugar cordial
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    Since I do a lot of backpacking and hiking, I always carry around a 32oz water bottle and try to drink at least 4 of them a day.
  • kemoon0915
    kemoon0915 Posts: 113 Member
    I like to mix up a pitcher of just plain water with lemon juice and ginger powder (not ground ginger) mixed in to keep in the fridge
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    ckdprevent wrote: »
    This is a problem for me too. I drink very little water and alot of Diet Coke. I really need to drink more water, but Diet Coke tastes so much better.

    diet coke is mostly water so you may not be doing as poorly as you think!
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    Tea, because I don't like my tea once it gets to a lukewarm-ish temp I tend to drink it quickly.

    I have a 24 oz glass at work and have a mentally written out schedule of how often I should have to fill it.

    I also have large refillable cups at home and make it a goal to drink 2 between when I get home and when I go to sleep.

    I used to drink a lot more diet soda but over time I just kind of stopped and have never really looked back and don't miss it.
  • joelchmielak1
    joelchmielak1 Posts: 48 Member
    I got one of these and don’t drink a diet pop until I have filled and finished it 3 times during the day.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Don't stress too much about your water consumption. As long as your pee is a light straw colour you are drinking enough. You don't need to track your consumption.
  • FutureDVM2020
    FutureDVM2020 Posts: 23 Member
    oddly enough, I drink more water when I use a straw rather than sipping out of a cup or bottle.