candilc9 Member


  • Try to look for some low impact workout routines they involve the arms and are easy on the knees, or modify the moves that bother your needs. Whatever you do, just keep moving! If a move is hurting your joints, walk in place on those parts.
  • I'm doing the Keto WOE as well and could use some friends on the same journey!
  • That's me too! I'm such a carboholic and kept saying that until I actually tried I keto. I'm currently in ketosis right now. I just started so no weight loss yet, BUT it's helped me with my sugar tooth cravings tremendously! Like literally made a vanilla pudding cake, with vanilla cool whip frosting and cherry pie filling…
  • When I walk after work, I can't sleep...I'll try before work. Thx!
  • Just started as well. Read that if you up you sodium and potassium intake, it will help with the keto flu. I started an egg diet with hard boiled eggs to kick-start ketosis and I also drink broth/bullion with couple of tbsp of salted butter. As of midnight, I'm into day three and feel fine. I also do tea or coffee with a…
    in Keto Help!? Comment by candilc9 May 2018
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat...I made myself a playlist of Just Dance videos on YouTube for exercise (I've learned the dance steps and modified some to up the intensity) I do short hiit exercises (one's that don't involve being on the floor,) so I can do them at work at night. At home I do my crunches, strength training etc. I…
  • Butter
    in Input Comment by candilc9 May 2018
  • Thank you!!!!
    in Snacks Comment by candilc9 May 2018
  • Think of it this way, if you know where you start, you'll be very proud of the hard work you do and it will motivate you to keep going.
  • I like to log stuff like mowing the lawn, working in the garden, dancing, etc., so that when there are changes in weight loss, energy, satiety, etc. I can pinpoint what I did/didn't do, what changed. I also log strength exercises, steps per day and generally try to keep moving, even if it's marching in place while watching…
  • Measure your waist!!! When you start exercising, that darn scale will throw you off!!! Measure, measure, measure! My weight goes up and down, but my clothes fit differently. You're not trying to loose just weight, you're trying to lose fat! There's a difference. The scale doesn't always show that. Also link an Accupedo app…
  • Tell your family you need to eat (whatever your healthier choice is for that meal) but you'll take a couple (and no more than 2) bites of whatever they are eating. Track everything. High sodium makes you retain water and pizza doesn't really move through the digestive system all that well. I read that you have to eat an…
  • I weighed myself before I went on vacation, tracked EVERYTHING I ate, smh, came back, assessed the damage. Got back on track. I think it's informative for me to know what effect, "vacationing" has on my body. You might find it enlightening!
  • I'm on week 10 and so far I've lost 22lbs...track food religiously, cheat/ reward days and all. Try to hit over 10,000 steps daily, I like Just Dance game videos on YouTube, made a playlist of the ones that I could do/remember the steps to and that aren't too hard on my joints/knees, modify the parts I don't like. Main…
  • You might be losing fat and gaining muscle, have you checked your measurements to see if you've lost inches? Becoming more toned might not show on the scale...
  • YEARS ago they used to have those scales at GNC where you could get all sorts of stats. You'd pay a couple of dollars and I think it printed them off too. Don't know how accurate they were tho.Do they still have them? Again that was probably 20+ years ago!
  • Small baked potato or two with Mrs Dash and black pepper or hotter. Dip it in a VERY small amount of ketchup, if you like ketchup...Cut them in half so you have 2-4 pieces...Low calories, VERY satiating, won't spike your insulin...follow with some caffeine free herbal tea...good for when you're craving second/something to…