LC4509 Member


  • @craigo3154 @sak20011 Thanks for the responses. That's interesting, I'll have to look into that. The only thing that makes me think otherwise though is when I'm on all fours or in a plank position, my belly will kind of hang down but not just slightly, it's quite a lot; too much for my frame I think and I always thought it…
  • Ok so I'm just after some opinions. I am 5'8, 131 pounds but I'm not happy with a few things - main thing being my stomach as it sticks out (actually looks better in the pictures than it is). I initially went on a deficit and lost several pounds but had to stop as people were commenting that I looked unhealthy as nothing…
  • Well thank you for all of the advice everyone. I think I'm going to eat at maintenance and recomp for several months and see how that goes, then I can always reassess as you say. One last question - do you think I need to eat more protein and less carbs to be more productive?
  • All of the different information that I'm reading. I'm not sure how many calories I should be eating to achieve what I want and I don't really know how to work out macros either. I'm not worried about bulking up, it's more that I just don't want to gain fat from eating in a surplus.
  • I'm finding the whole thing really confusing. I don't want to gain any fat but it's just hard because I don't know which advice to listen to! I don't want to bulk up at all, I just want to get rid of my flabby stomach so I guess slower progress would be ok. The thought of eating at a surplus scares me though, anyone else?
  • No, I haven't had children. I think it's from being sedentary to be honest. I used to work in retail and was constantly on the move, up and down stairs, bending, lifting etc. and I never used to have the pooch as far as I can remember. Also it isn't just when I'm sitting or bending, I have it when I am stood up. I think…
  • Just beginner strength workouts from youtube so moves like deadlift, lunges, bent over row, chest press, curl and press, squats, planks, woodchoppers. I'm not sure if I'm doing enough though. Would you recommend carrying on with the calorie deficit as I do that?