No excuses, just hit it as hard as you can at the gym!
What is the easiest way to count calories ?
I think i should start bulking up
I will upload pictures soon
Physic update
My eating window is from 3pm to 11pm. Thats the most active time of my day and thats why i kept this window to eat and to burn it straight away while i am active.
Thank you
I dont know for sure if i was at 25% BF since i started training but my BF was measured by a training instructer at the gym with bodyfat measurement Caliper which my or maynot be the accurat tool to measure your body fat but thats how i been told about 25% BF
I dont have any picture before the one i uploaded here. I had started cardio and running with no weight training at all . I will look for those pictures and will upload them here and to be honest i hate those pictures and i dont want to see myself like that anymore . I want to look forwatd niot backwards. Those pictures…
Sorry i forgot to mention that i eat vegetables like broccoli, cucumber etc etc with meals And yes i do heavey chest and shoulders and before every chest and back workout i hit shoulders for a few sets for warm up and a bit of pump . For me my shoulders , chest and abs are the best part of my body and these days i m…
My weekly splits : chest and triceps, Back and biceps, Legs, Shoulders , biceps and triceps and in the 6th day i will do either chest and back or biceps and triceps And i do abs workout three times a week. I drink Bccas ( bcaa)throught the day and also i take intra workout Bcaa (machine fuel from Tiger…
Thats good . Keep it up and stay at the same plan for a while and then when you feel you are ready then you can add a few more to your suprlus calories if you want to gain lean muscle mass . Please update us Best of luck
Take it easy but do push yourself hard in the gym . You will see the difference very soon . Worrying too much will put you off. Those needs to worry who doesnt do anything about it but you are awaome as you are heading towards your goal. You just needs to be patient. What is your weekly splits if you dont mind telling me…
Thank you Means alot when it comes from someone who knows!!!
Thank you
If you are talking about me then i should let you know that i feel stronger than ever before . Weakness felt only in first two to three weeks and as the time passes , your body gets used to the new eating pattern. It becomes a way of life. I am more active and stronger . Cheers
Just eat clean (very clean) , have a cheat day once in a week and make it a lifestyle. Calories counting is not for a long time
Just focus , head down and push yourself hard, if you are getting distracted during your workouts then you have to work on your Focus thing . Nothing should distract you , No excuses ... just get it done ... Period!!!!
Please check them out now. Thanks
And dont do abs everyday , do Abs every other during your weekly splits . And dont get furstrated . Try to decrease your body fat and they will pop out
Thank you . It means alot Rope crunches, hanging leg raise , planks, wood chopper