My apologies. I shouldn't have gone scorched earth on your topic. I wasn't upset at you, I was upset at the situation and the reality. I'm so sorry if I exacerbated your anxiety, I'll try to be more careful in the future! I'm so glad you were able to get the help you needed, though, thank you for sharing your experiences.…
I'll be honest, face palm isn't precisely my reaction here. This isn't an isolated incident and it isn't new, either in bleach form or anti-vaccination hysteria or straight up murder (hey, remember when that Autism Speaks board member made a video about wanting to murder her autistic child? because I promise that the…
It’s easy to freak about the scale but try to remember that not all of that extra weight is fat — your body undergoes a transformation, and as your uterus stretches and your blood supply increases and you grow a placenta those things cause you to gain weight. You WILL lose that weight post partum as your body returns to…
For me, I’m on the autism spectrum and the anxiety is comorbid so hooray!! Lucky me! Anxiety also runs in the family but mine is a bit more debilitating and I think that’s partly because social situations are more difficult for me to parse even without the anxiety. If we had a discussion on this forum about how to react in…
Omg I so feel you about counting calories. It exacerbates my mental illnesses if I'm strict about them, too. I've gotten around it by figuring out what low cal foods I like, looking at what my calorie goal should be, and then writing down what combinations of those foods I can have so that I don't have to think too hard…
Tbh I realized that food was THE thing I looked forward to daily bc I didn't ever make time for fun and that was why I ate junk all the time. Once I intentionally built me time into my schedule it's been easier bc I have something else to look forward to. I'm a little jealous of people for whom healthy substitutes work but…
Don't Want You Back by Bakermat has really been getting me pumped lately. Also: Let's Relate by of Montreal Hot Thoughts by Spoon In the End by STRFKR No One is Lost by Stars SWERLK by Scissor Sisters and MNDR Basically anything Galantis or Sigala That's some of what my workout list looks like lately c: hope there's…
Oh yeah apartment living can complicate working out at home. u_u is your husband home after your daughter is in bed? Maybe he could stay while you go to the gym for mommy free time (although if he can't I get it). I've also known moms who swapped babysitting so that every night one of them watched the other's children…
I don't know if this is an option for you, but I keep my workouts at home for the moment. I have a 6yo, a 4yo, and a 6mo old so I exercise by turning on dance music and having a dance party in the living room. Since you don't have a car is your area safe for walking/jogging with a stroller? Or is there somewhere nearby you…