pgranger921 Member


  • I think that strangers do treat me better now. I can't think of any specific story, but speaking generally, I feel more accepted. But I also think that now, i'm confident and extroverted instead of insecure and introverted, so that probably plays a big part, too.
  • After years of not taking care of myself, I quit partying and drinking and started hitting the gym. This summer I lost over 20 pounds AND put on some muscle! I used to play soccer and run, and now for the first time in years I'm not just able to play decently, i'm actually killing it again! My biggest "achievement" is…
  • Wow! Keep doing whatever you're doing
  • Also - brazil nuts are the best source of selenium, and macadamia nuts have a great fats profioe
  • Lentils are great for iron. Creatine and BCAAs will boost gains in a hurry if you're ok with taking safe supplements. If you are trying to get bigger, i'd bump up your caloric intake a little bit, 2500 is about maintenence for your weight. Make sure you're getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and…