Anyone have some Vegetarian Gain advice?

Okay, so I think I may have over done it a little. I went from 85kg (187 pounds) to 70kg (154 pounds) in one year. I'm 187 cm talk so that's needless to say, slender!

I eat a pretty decent diet of whole foods with a minimal processed selection. I typically eat around 2500 calories a day of vegetarian items.

My goal is to put more muscle on my frame. Which I am confident I can achieve in the gym. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to go about this in terms of types of food that are minimally processed?

I should mention, I avoid eggs and meat because of health/ethical concerns but the occasional milk or cheese hits my plate. I'm open to a whole foods plant based diet, and of course would take a b12 supplement.

Oh, and my food diary is open to friends should anyone be interested in keeping me accountable.

Thanks everyone in advance. Looking forward to reading your advice.


  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    peanut butter, nuts, sunflower seeds
  • pgranger921
    pgranger921 Posts: 7 Member
    Lentils are great for iron. Creatine and BCAAs will boost gains in a hurry if you're ok with taking safe supplements. If you are trying to get bigger, i'd bump up your caloric intake a little bit, 2500 is about maintenence for your weight. Make sure you're getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and make sure you have a good saturated fat to polyunsat to make sure your testosterone production is keyed in. Vegetarian diets can lower T by about 11 percent, I think. Keep an eye on zinc, magnesium, cholesterol, and fats to keep it high
  • pgranger921
    pgranger921 Posts: 7 Member
    Also - brazil nuts are the best source of selenium, and macadamia nuts have a great fats profioe