molbook Member


  • Hey nice to meet you! And good point, i had such a defined goal before - police officer training - so i barely had to think about weight, it was much more about achieving what IL state calls a "NIPSTA" card. Which is basically a license saying your fit enough to work as an officer in IL. So i was in great shape. Now that…
  • Thats a good point. Im so used to working until i poop out (im a runner so thats probably where that comes from) ill need to watch myself and not over do it.
  • Ok ill keep all of this in mind. Thank you so much!
  • Great advice, i just started back at the gym, i did all my rehab and they finally said "you need a gym more than you need us" which was awesome but now i just want to strength back. Thanks so much for the reply!
  • Guess i shouldn't have said quickly. I trained as a police officer before this injury and was in great shape. I just hate not having the strength i once did. Id rather shoot for stability and strength, doesn't matter how long it will take.
  • I see myself as a self confident music/book/gaming nerd. I love to learn, think, and teach. I'm driven and don't quit the people or goals that inspire me. Simple things make me happy - i don't care for material things (except my instrument babies). If im gonna sum myself up sortly i guess im the type that would be…
  • Mine is a little unconventional considering its a depressing love song by a band called Brand New. "The boy who blocked his own shot" will forever be my favorite. My favorite line reads "you are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins". <3
  • My friends mom crashing my brand new car into a lake, Michael Scott style. Obviously im a little protective of my new baby... considering its making its way into mt dreams.
  • Casablanca - my favorite <3