OliveGirl128 Member


  • I was the one who was overweight, I was the one who had the consequential health problem, I was the one who had to be accountable for my weight gain, I was the one who had to take care of the problem. Not my husband, not my kids, not my friends, not my other family members. I, myself, me. I didn't need others support, I…
  • This is what I notice too-lots of people carrying insulated coffee mugs/Biggby/Startbucks cups, or water bottles/plastic water bottles, but I don't see a lot of people walking around with soda? We spend a lot of time at the park and most kids are either hitting the drinking fountain or have juice boxes, and most of the…
  • I think he/she meant that since I do a modified version, someone else will come along and then tell me I'm doing it all wrong, such is MFP :)
  • I modify the plan by adding MORE veggies :D And I try to get in a serving of beans a day, which the original plan only calls for 3 times a week. So in a nutshell: daily I aim for 800g-1,000g+ of veg/fruit, 5-7 servings of grains (mostly whole grains), 3 servings of low fat dairy, 3-4 ounces of chicken breast or wild caught…
  • Yep, I've been all over the place in the past 5ish years, and I'm sure I'll experiment with a few more things all said and done, though a modified DASH protocol has really clicked with me so maybe I'm finally settling down lol :)
  • There's actually quite a few of us here who eat larger amounts of veg/fruit-more than the current recommendations. And then there's also quite a few here who are working on upping their produce consumption-it's a pretty popular thread topic. A bit surprised at pp's statement, since it's so obviously not accurate, if one…
  • I double dare you to post :D It's summer here and I still only shave my legs once a week, I just don't care lol.
  • Wanted to add about the picky kid thing-I have an ADHD son and he'll go without eating if the food doesn't grab his attention, (he has very little interest in food and does not have normal hunger cues). I have no problem buying/making him different foods, and I've just learned how to fit in his needs with my…
  • You just identified the problem-you don't actually know how much food you're eating, going by estimates like this. Get a food scale and start weighing your food-you'll seriously be shocked by what real portion sizes look like. eta-make sure you weigh things like rice, oats, pasta etc dry-before adding water/cooking.
  • This.
  • I'm coming out of a short cut, to get my maintenance range lower (I adjust it seasonally), and I didn't find 1,200-1,400 calories a day to be hard. But, I've been at this for a long time now and know what foods have longer satiety levels for me. I also eat upwards of 1,000 grams of veg/fruit a day, which is a lot of food…
  • A vegan is someone who completely eliminates all animal products from their life, going way beyond food choices. The pros and cons of that are really personal and only you can answer for yourself. Separate from that, earlier this year I experimented with a whole foods, plant based diet to see if I had any positive effects.…
  • I'm not a snacker, but I label my daily afternoon green smoothie as a 'snack' since it's between my two main meals.
  • I didn't discover MFP until after I had already transitioned into maintenance. Keeping a food diary like how MFP is set up just doesn't appeal to me-I already have a system in place that works well for me :) I do enjoy participating in the forums though!
  • Back in my weight loss phase I did ADF and on my very low 'fasting' days I drank a lot of chicken broth, which comes in under 20 calories for a cup (I'd heat it up in a mug and drink it). Or diet hot cocoa (25 calories for a mug). Otherwise other very low calorie items-black coffee, diet soda, lettuce, fat free Italian…
  • AS sensitivity is a real thing for some people, but it just seems odd that she still had symptoms two weeks after cutting it back out?
  • You should start your own thread asking your questions and not hijack op's.
  • At your lower weight you definitely should only be aiming for .5lb a week-2lbs is setting you up for disaster. Weight loss means nothing, if you can't keep it off long term. This isn't a race-do things in a way that's sustainable and healthy. eta: also realize that your goal weight doesn't mean a whole lot in maintenance,…
  • This is what I was getting at-saying you're craving carbs is way too general/vague. More likely it's over restricting on calories, causing extreme hunger at night. Op, it would be really helpful if you answered my questions posted above, so we can actually help you.
  • Why should the op only eat carbs in the morning? What's wrong with carbs later in the day? Carbs aren't bad.
  • I've been using several servings of artificial sweetener every day, (4-6 pkts of splenda, plus the artificial sweetener in the diet sodas I drink every day), for around 5 years now with no side affects (besides saving a butt load of calories). It seems odd that it took 2 weeks after you stopped using it, to feel better-are…
  • What are your current stats and what's your weekly weight loss goal/how many calories are you eating a day? Also, if you make your food diary public we can take a look at it.
  • My bmi is a bit lower than yours, and 5lbs definitely makes a difference for me at my current weight.
  • I'm 5 years into this and motivation isn't a factor, but I am committed to seeing this through to the end, (which is about 50 more years for me, give or take a few). I eat very 'healthy' but I don't usually eat salads. I follow the DASH protocol and use that template when I plan what I'm going to be eating for the day. I…
  • I usually have a green smoothie every day. My current go to combo is 1c skim milk 1c water 1 banana (fresh or frozen) 5-6 frozen strawberries and/or a handful of frozen blueberries frozen leafy greens (I blanch batches of various leafy greens, blend them together and freeze into muffin sized disks-2 disks per smoothie 1…