enyagoboom Member


  • @enyagoboom, fantastic loss! You weren't sure how things were going to go, but they went really well!! Almost two pounds and into the teens!![/quote] It's been positive week. I had to fight a lot of urges back but I think the big take away from the week is that I can go out and have a good time without destroying and…
  • Username: EnyaGoBoom Weigh in week: May Week 3 Weigh in day: Thursday Previous Week's weight: 221.0 Todays Weight: 219.2 :#
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Wednesday Tracking: Yes, ish Calories: no Exercise: Yes, 72 min, 3+ mile walk Had a conference today for work and lunch was this amazing Greek buffet and i finally was like ok, not going to be miserable. And i went to the mixer after. Tomorrow is weigh in :) fingers crossed I didn’t derail everything…
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Tuesday Tracking: Yes Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, z25k week 2 day 1 this morning. Definitely a NSV with this one because i dragged myself to the gym to do laps on the track. Unfortunately I seem to have some pain happening in my left foot so I’m going to stretch and rest for a few days from the…
  • Which beginner yoga are you doing? I'm using the amazon prime one with Jess Timit(?) and I kind of love/hate it. I'm still in the first 8 videos and she does some modified moves, but a lot of what she does is still out of reach for me. The stretches are aaaaahhhmazing though.
  • Week 2 day 1 completed this morning. Having some issues with my left foot that might be plantar... not sure. Lots of stretching today and tomorrow though and will go at it again.
  • Weekly Challenge Day: monday Tracking: yes Calories: yes Exercise: yes - 3 mile walk with Brody and yoga. Today was a frustrating food day. My smoothies were suuuuper high in calories (chocolate hazelnut but it also had avocado, banana, kale, and something else i think and then i added flax and chia seeds so yay calories)…
  • The sweet potato fajita is from hello fresh: https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes/2018w50-r8-sweet-potato-fajitas-5bcf4c6b30006c014c486e82/ where it says units, just go with medium sized veggies. it's calorie heavy (720 i think for three) but when i've done a 40 minute walk/run, it works in my favor and is filling without…
  • Half way is an accomplishment for sure! And look at those non scale victories! Congrats!!
  • Great job! What advice would you give yourself then that you know now?
  • I have a taco pepper boat recipe that I looove. Glad you found one too! I had sweet potato fajitas tonight that were amazing :yum: Weekly Challenge Day: Sunday Tracking: yes Calories: yes Exercise: yes - 2 mile walk with the pup
  • So you're feeling better? Way to kick butt! :)
  • I love that there's a story to follow. I haven't tried other c25k programs so i can't compare it to anything else, but so far it's been good with pacing, links up to my playlists and seems overall to be decent. Truth is, this is my third time trying to get through a program and i've only ever made it to week three before i…
  • Hi all, I’m new here but i just completed w1 of the zombie run c25k. Hi everyone!
  • @kc9agz and @cossmoss15 <3 i know how frustrating those ticks up can be. still though, you've got this! Weekly Challenge Day: Saturday Tracking: Yes Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes! I went through my tracker for the week and realized that monday and tuesday my portions of coconut milk were doubled for both days, which added an…
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Friday (fri-yaaay) Tracking: Yes Calories: Heck Yes Exercise: Yes Was supposed to go for a Z25K tonight, but discovered Brody had a tick on his eyelid, right on the waterline, so we ended up walking to a friends house for help getting it off. And this was after finding one of the disgusting bugs on me…
  • You didn't gain! Yay!
  • We'll see you on the other side! Take care!
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Thursday Tracking: yes Calories: yes!! Exercise: yes - 59 min walk with Brody-bear.
  • Username: EnyaGoBoom Weigh in week: May Week 2 Weigh in day: Thursday Previous Week's weight: 221.1 Todays Weight: 221.0 Not as much as I was hoping, but definitely not what I was fearing either so I'll take it. Overall I'm feeling like I'm on track - making better habits (getting out there for the walks and making my own…
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Wednesday Tracking: yes Calories: no Exercise: yes c25k w1d2 with the dog lol poor guy Bummed about the calories. It’s all good food that I’m preparing myself so that’s something I guess :/ tomorrow is weigh in though so I guess we will see how it washes out.
  • Weekly Challenge Day: Monday Tracking: yes Calories: no Exercise: yes walking with the pup Fingers crossed I mend today - I slept wrong or something and my back haaaates me :/
  • Ahh! made it! an hour's walk put me under my calorie goal for today by 40. I'll take it! Updated Monday Challenge: Calories: Yes Tracking: Yes Exercise: and then some! yes yes yes! *woot!* IKR? but so yummy! ...but so not worth it, too lol! And now, i will do my best representation of a puddle, for I am a hot mess of…
  • I didn't see this before - yay team! I doubt very much I'll have another loss like that any time soon, but it was nice to get on the boards! (I also try to keep it under 2lbs a week, so this one was a fluke times three lol) Mini Challenge Monday: Tracking - yes Calories - no. I am starving today! I keep making decent…
  • Thanks! Sorry about not checking in - the weekend was very difficult with the trip to NY and cleaning out the attic/basement/garage of our house there. The upside is that I definitely got my exercise in (why did we buy a house with so many stairs?) but the downside is tracking was too difficult and my watch died. I made…
  • Weigh in! 221.1 :smiley: Super happy about that. I will get the rest of the information for today posted tomorrow (probably do a twofer including thurs/fri) as we're traveling tonight. @HASWLRS thank you for keeping track of everyone! :)
  • Wednesday: Tracking - yes Calories - no activity - no today was a rough one. I was on my feet for most of the day and work was insane. I woke up wiped out (this is what I get for being peppy the day before lol) and i am already kicking myself for not being in bed already. The next few days is going to be rough; we're…
  • Do you like zenlabs? I really appreciate that there is a story in the ZR app... but sadly I am clearly not that motivated if this is the er 4th attempt and i've yet to get past week 3 lol