I could use the help too. 22 y/o 5'1" 167 Doc says I should be 120ish
Idk about the program but I really need someone to yell at me and keep me accountable. Maybe we can help eachother.
Running sucks lol. Oh and having to pay to go to the gym is dumb. Why make us pay to be healthy or oh much equipment is. I live in a place where you can NEVER depend on the weather so outside is not much of an option.
I have a desk job so I barely make it to 3k
Maybe I should clarify... I live in central Nebraska and we don't have really any of those stores. The nearest old navy and target are about an hour away but I've never tried TJ Max. I'll have to try there
What is this keto?
Please add me. I really need people to help modivate me. I'm a competitive person but need someone like me. Desk job, 40 hours a week job, and hardly any time to exercise but still trying to make time.