Pinup retro
Brunch date
Meatballs for sure Cheddar cheese or brie
Love Love it or hate it: nightclubs
Broad chest
Me! Still devastated about Khal Drogo tho
Because I could have made clean treats and I don't- I opt for a easy prepackaged fat/sugar cheat. As someone thats just had another baby (4mths ago), I'm mindful of what im eating so I can get back to 59kgs in time for my wedding in a cpl of weeks. It may not be a cheat in the bodybuilding world haha but I'm not i that…
I got chubby for a bit (which I didn't really care about at the time) and because I've mostly always been thin I really noticed a dramatic difference with how people treated me or rather didn't treat me... it was like I was invisible the bigger I got! It was actually horrible and I lost my faith in people for a bit…
I kinda have a cheat everyday so that I don't feel like I'm being too restrictive.. I usually have a couple of freddo frogs. I've still been losing weight, but I am very conscious about serving sizes for all my other meals and keep it on the small side so that I can indulge in the fat foods that I like.