jessicafordy9 Member


  • Not sure on cost as I'm UK but I have a nexplanon implant. It is an implant that goes in the arm and lasts for three years. Bit less invasive than iuds.
  • I can offer an outsider view if you want. My mother cheated on my dad after 15 years together and some time after the divorce he began seeing a significantly younger woman (he was late 30s and she was 23, similar to your situation). They have hit a few rough patches over the past 10 years, partly because of her past…
  • It's more annoying that some foods that will be affected are not inherently unhealthy. Pasta, crackers and breads are on the list. And you know that prices won't change even though you're getting less in a product because business have no incentive to reduce price too.
  • Skimmed through comments so apologies if this has been said but are you weighing the food. Entries like 1 Apple, 1 bannana or a handful/cup of nuts etc. Can be vastly off. You could be eating more calories then you think of this is the case.
  • Accept you ate more than you should. Don't regret it. Accept you may see a weight increase more to do with salt causing water retention and actual weight of the food you ate. One day is unlikely to impact fat gain/loss too much. And maybe try to determine the cause so you know for future reference.If there is no cause you…
  • Depends on what you like to eat and how you are losing weight. If you're doing specific diet then your foods will likely revolve around that. If you're just calorie counting any food technically can be bought. Personally I plan my meals before shopping and get the specific foods such as; meat, veg, pasta, eggs, bread etc…
  • I dont follow slimming world but have a few slimming world recipe books and the calories for those meals are often around 600 when I add them together (sometimes less). Beyond that the idea is likely that many people find pasta, potatoes and rice filling so don't eat tons anyway. Not all meat is "syn free" only lean/less…
  • The best way to know if you're truly iron defficient is to get a blood test. Symptoms include insomnia, tiredness, light headedness etc so just because you don't think you're hitting the target doesn't mean your defficient. However I have had a friend who was extremely iron defficient due to being a vegetarian and was…
  • I have a friend who was told to eat fish by her doctor to improve iron intake (she was extremely deficient and even iron tablets didn't help her). It was tough for her since shes been a vegetarian for a very long time and now is technically a pescatarian.
    in Iron Comment by jessicafordy9 July 2017
  • I'm in a similiar situation with my boyfriend. I'm putting it down to main meals since we have the same and I cook so everything has been healthy. He does still have chocolate, crisps and milkshakes which i've been avoiding but he's still losing weight. It really is unfair but I don't mind since we both need to lose weight…
  • It can help digestion, flush toxins out and reduce sodium levels which in turn can cause a drop in water weight but it doesn't help fat loss.
    in Water Comment by jessicafordy9 July 2017
  • I am usually the same but have recently found a few healthy recipes that are actually along to eat. Cous cous herb and lemon salad, a "breakfast" salad (chopped bacon, boiled egg, lettuce and chopped fresh tomatoes with a passata based dressing). I think it's all about how you cook and prepare things as to how much you…