steennut Member


  • @kristie115 sending positive baby vibes your way!
  • So I went in for my cycle monitoring today no I have 3 follicles on the left ovary and I'm going to be ovulating much sooner this cycle it seems like because they just called me with my instructions and they only want me for bloodwork tomorrow to watch for my LH surge. Apparently my follicles "look spectacular" lol so I'm…
  • Thank you for the welcoming and supportive messages Kristie- I am actually doing another IUI this month. This will be our third since loosing our baby. I started my cycle monitoring with letrozol Tuesday and I go back in for ultrasound and blood work on Monday to see how many follicles I have. Hopefully I will have at…
  • Hi guys, I'm new here and was pleasantly surprised to find a community of ladies who will understand what I'm going through. I'm 30 years old and suffer from PCOS. My husband and I have actively been trying to get pregnant for over 7 years. I have been on metformin for 5 years and have tried multiple cycles of clomid with…