Trying to Concieve



  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    If we don't or can't try this month due to the possibility of the injections and my friends visit, I'm going to really focus on losing weight this cycle. My back is still sore, and all the laying around and babying it makes me nervous it will be weaker. So! Looking at the positive side, I went for a 2 mile walk today in 90+ degree weather! Feeling great, I think walking is really helping because all the sitting is terrible for me.

    Sorry you're out this month Sheila. :/ Yay another temper!

    Amanda, temping is really about the pattern, so don't stress too much. I vaginally temp now because my mouth temps were all over the place. Mouth breather? I put it on my phone so that when the alarm goes off, I grab it and pop it in. I use a cotton square with running alcohol to clean it, and put the temp in after I've property woken up-it stores the last temp for me!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 823 Member
    @Kirstie155 It looks like your weight loss is going great! I see a loss from you every day! Good job!

    Last night I woke up like 4 times thinking it was time to temp, which was very strange. One of the times was at 1am. Haha. I'm sure I'll get used to doing it in the morning without much thought.

    I've been listening to the book Womancode by Alisa Vitti and I'm going to start following her protocol for "syncing with your cycle". The first step of the protocol is keeping your blood sugar stable by having meals/snacks roughly 3.5 hours apart and having the snacks be basically a fruit and a healthy fat. Yesterday I followed it pretty closely and felt really good. Today I'm going to follow it, as well, and try to avoid too many refined carbs and see how I feel. There are a lot of steps and eventually you change your diet and behavior based on where you are in your cycle. I'm hoping that it will help regulate my cycle because somethings seems fishy with my 26-38 day cycles. She used the protocol to treat her own PCOS! But my mom is coming to visit this weekend so that's sure to involve many treats. I'll consider this a practice round :smile:
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Apparently I missed a lot from you guys the last few days. Sounds like you all are handling your challenges like champs.

    I'm in the TWW now. Tried out the new pack of cheapy OPKs. I guess they're more sensitive than the Dollar Tree brand. I found I had a 3 day LH surge and even got one really clear positive! The eye-opener is that the surge came 5 days later than what the ovulation calendar app I was using predicted. I think the last two months, it's possible I BD'd the wrong weeks altogether! >__<; This time, the hubs gave it our best 10 days straight. For a few days after the family reunion, I had a massive IBS flare up too due to eating tasty stuff off my No-No List. But it's finally calmed down now. I would like to sleep for a whole week. But I'm late for work.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited July 2017
    Gah damn mfp on mobile ate my post!! >.<

    Abridged version: Amanda, you'll get the hang of the temping, it took me the first month to stop waking up at 4am and temping, but forgetting to do it at the right time. It's hard to figure it out while you're sleeping. Oh, and thanks for cheering on my weight loss, I have been cico and keto with walks added in-3 days strong now!

    Lizz-im so mad for you that your fw moved in your app! How frustrating, but fingers crossed for you this month and your 10day BD run, holy cow! I'd die, too old, fat and broken for that lol! I hope this is your month!
  • steennut
    steennut Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys, I'm new here and was pleasantly surprised to find a community of ladies who will understand what I'm going through.
    I'm 30 years old and suffer from PCOS. My husband and I have actively been trying to get pregnant for over 7 years. I have been on metformin for 5 years and have tried multiple cycles of clomid with no luck. In October of 2016 I started with my local fertility clinic with cycle monitoring, letrozol then IUI's and actually became pregnant after my second month. We unfortunately lost our baby boy at 17 weeks and were devastated.
    After much thought and conversations we decided to start trying again so I decided to try MFP to help loose some of this weight and hopefully help my chances to conceive again and to stay healthy if I do conceive.
    Anyways baby dust to all of you ladies!!!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi @steennut welcome to our community, Im glad that you have found us!
    I am so sorry to hear about losing your baby at 17 weeks, I cant imagine how terrible that is, and after trying for so long. :'(:'(:'(
    Glad to have you as a new member now that you are ready to try again. Are you doing another round of IUI? How much weight are you looking to lose, and what kind of diet & exercise program are you doing?
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome, @steennut ! I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It must take a lot of courage to start trying again. I'll be rooting for you :flowerforyou:

    @Kirstie155 Ahaha. :embarassed: Right when I was planning to take a break from BD, the LH surge suddenly popped up on the OPKs. And I was like, nooooooo! Must...keep...going... And since the surge lasted 3 days, I wasn't sure which day was O. So I kept going. If nothing happens this month after all that, I'm going to throw a hissy fit, although at who, I have no idea.

    P.S. --You guys are the only ones I can tell any of this to. I feel like since I got married everyone in my life keeps staring at my tummy with laser eyes. It's terrifying!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 823 Member
    @steennut welcome to the group! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. That must have been devastating. We're here for support and look forward to chatting while you work toward your goals! There is a spreadsheet on the main page where some of us track our weight and other info that I've found helpful for accountability.

    @Alioth I agree with Kirstie's kudos. 10 days is a LOT.

    Kris and I have concluded that we are highly unlikely to make a baby if we don't get air conditioning soon. This summer is just so crazy hot we can barely touch each other. Usually you can control inside temp by closing the windows during the day and opening them at night. Not so this summer in CO. But if we get AC we both really want solar panels, for which we will most likely need a new roof. So here we go huge home project, I guess!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Welcome to the group @steennut. So sorry to hear about your loss, so devastating. Wishing you the very best, glad you can join us.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Lizz,I almost threw a hissy fit this month when i didn't get a bfp. We BD like...5 outta 7 days? My back was aching by the end. Also after o was confirmed with temping, the days off ended up being o-2 and o+1, so I thought we still had a great shot. It sucks when you feel like everything is just right and it doesn't work!
    This cycle won't be BD everyday. With my back on the mend and my friend coming into town (yay!) We might get 2 good tries in there. Hoping it will be enough. It only takes once, right? (OMG just hurt myself rolling my eyes so hard)

    Amanda- your husband's name is Kris? I didn't know that, but mine and Katie's husbands are Chris! Hahaha. Such a popular name, in the top 10, and often #1, in the baby names for the USA for over a hundred years! My husband works with a Chris, that is married to a Kris. So when I met Chris and Kris, with my husband Chris and I'm felt like the punchline of a joke. "Two Chris's, Kris and Kirstie walk into a bar..."

    Also omg no air conditioner?! Dear lord how are you BD?! It's over 100 here with high humidity and I almost hurt myself yesterday walking for 30 minutes, and going outside to get the mail is just sticky. It's miserable hot here. Is your AC broken, or you don't have one? Solar panels are a great idea, though pricy to start up.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    I've got my first few days of temping in. We'll see how it goes for the rest of the month, going to be an adjustment for sure. I feel myself teetering on the edge of trying to not be obsessive and going off the Type A deep end with the whole process! lol
  • steennut
    steennut Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the welcoming and supportive messages

    Kristie- I am actually doing another IUI this month. This will be our third since loosing our baby. I started my cycle monitoring with letrozol Tuesday and I go back in for ultrasound and blood work on Monday to see how many follicles I have. Hopefully I will have at least one and if all goes well my guess is I'll be scheduled for my IUI on Friday or Saturday of next week.

    As for the diet and exercise I met with a personal trainer last week and she gave me a 5 day a week exercise program that includes cardio and a different muscle group each day. So far I have completed a successful week and I feel really good. I have been eating more regularly and eating healthy foods and logging in my diary every day to stay accountable. As for weight I have a lot to loose, 110lbs to be exact. I am going to try and set reasonable goals though and try and work on 10lb goals at a time that way I don't have to try for a goal that is a long way off and may leave me feeling like it's hopeless.
    This time feels different for me. I have tried and failed many times over the years to loose weight but this time it's not just about the weight. I want to feel healthy again and now that I know what it feels like to be pregnant and unhealthy I want to be healthy this time around (fingers crossed).

    Again thank you ladies for the responses, it really is good to have people that actually understand to talk to about this stuff :)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @pezhed No A.C. sucks. Are you able to sleep at night? I'm a total wuss. I think I'd cave and get a window unit until the roof/solar panel array happens. You can always give it away to a needy family later.
    @Kirstie155 You have SO earned your hissy fit! But seriously, fingers crossed for you this cycle.
    @steennut Sounds like you are doing a bang up job. Let us know how Monday goes.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Well, we BD Friday when I got home and had 30 minutes til my friend arrived! It was like, HURRY!! Didnt on Saturday, and Sunday we planned to but DH was super hung over all day and just couldnt. He also had trouble sleeping last night-so hoping FF is right and I will O tomorrow (originally said today.) Trying for BD today and tomorrow!

    Had a lovely sushi dinner with my friend, hung out at the pool, played games, it was lovely :)

    Getting a steroid epidural this week, hopefully sending my back pain packing for awhile. Each day is getting better, but it is still painful on and off.

    How is everyone doing with temping? I skipped it yesterday because of the drinking the night before (raises your temp)

    @steennut 5 days a week with a personal trainer is crazy, good for you!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Kirstie155 Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend with your friend!

    Temping seems to be going pretty good, the biggest issues is that I don't ever sleep to my alarm, so I am usually waking up between 4:30-5:30 am naturally (my alarm is set to 6:05) so there is 30-45 minutes variability to the timing I wake up, but they've seemed pretty consistent between 96.8 and 97.1 for CD 2-7 so I'm not too concerned.

  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 Sounds like a great weekend! Um, I just started temping. The first time didn't go so well. Turned on the light to try to read the thermometer, and got fussed at. Today, I figured out the thermometer keeps the digital read up much longer than I thought. So it was easier to just take it in the other room.
  • steennut
    steennut Posts: 4 Member
    So I went in for my cycle monitoring today no I have 3 follicles on the left ovary and I'm going to be ovulating much sooner this cycle it seems like because they just called me with my instructions and they only want me for bloodwork tomorrow to watch for my LH surge. Apparently my follicles "look spectacular" lol so I'm guessing I will be taking a trigger shot tomorrow evening and getting inseminated on Wednesday. This cycle has moved soooo quickly!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 823 Member
    @Kirstie155 How funny about all the Chris and Kris names! My husband prides himself on the uniqueness of his spelling (for a guy anyway) but it certainly doesn't sound unique at all, haha.

    Temping is going okay but certainly not great. Partly because I've been drinking too many of the last few days (my mom visited!!) and partly because our room is so hot. I think it will make a lot more sense when the AC comes. Hopefully it will get better. Thanks for all the AC sympathy, by the way. I think it will go a long way once we get it. Still awaiting the dang quote, though. Informal was 4k-7k, depending on whether or not we want a vent in our room. I'm thinking YES. In any case, I'm planning to majorly cut back on the alcohol intake for the rest of this cycle which should help me see more consistent temps.

    @Alioth that is sooo funny about your first try. I just keep my phone by the bed and use the flashlight to read the temp.

    @steennut glad to hear your follicles are so spectacular, haha. Baby dust your way!!

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    @steennut I'm so excited for you! I tried writing a post to you a few days ago but the app deleted it when I minimized it so I gave up. Welcome to the group and good luck!

    I'm still reading all the posts. It's so hard to type with one finger. 4th trimester is a thing you guys. Clingy clingy baby. I had to give Keith to my Chris (so many lol) and I just left the room saying I need to not be around him right now. I felt like I was starting to not be as gentle with Keith since I was frustrated. Laying on the couch for 45 mins without a leech helped. I love my little boy but I miss my personal space sometimes.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @steennut Dang, yo, spectacular follicles!!
    @VeryKatie Poor babes. Glad you're getting a teensy bit of R&R.
    @pezhed Vent in the room, yaaassss!
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