368 is for raw, dried chickpeas, 164 for soaked/cooked. They slightly more than double in weight from water absorbed, in my experience (so the numbers add up just fine)
Only got the Pancake syrup, caramel syrup and marshmellow dip available, where I live. Pancake is ok, the caramel I did not like the first time, will have to try it again. How is the marshmellow dip? Besides being relatively expensive (imported good), it looked borderline poisonous in that jar :)
Is this type of offer common? Just a couple of days ago I watched a fitness video on youtube, where the guy was promoting his site,that had the same money-back offer, if losing 25lbs/6%bf as long as you followed his training plan (and probably meal plan, I forget).
Get somebody experienced to show you correct punching technique, to avoid injury. Shared gloves are bacteria breeding grounds, so make sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
I just grate cauliflower by hand, however I would imagine most food processors can do it. Tried once with my blender, not a success....
Thais tend to use copious amounts of oil in things they fry, so it can be very difficult to correctly estimate the kcal amount, so just do your best, enjoy the experience, and disregard the fact that you might go over kcal limit for a single day, that wont matter one single bit in the long run. Tom Yum Gung is a very good,…
Unfortunately those numbers seems way off. For comparison, I am a 230 pound male, riding an average speed of 15 mph. Enquiring experienced cyclists here and on other boards, I was adviced about 10 kcal/minute with my weight/speed, so 800 kcal for your trip. You being significantly lighter, your calorie expenditure is obv…
Thank you for the answers, they were as expected. I do try to meet my nutrition goals through regular food, getting the full rainbow of fruits and veggies. I will stick to those. Protein powder is only a supplement, when I have problems getting enough. Usually mixed in with yoghurt, oats or in a protein fluff :) The plant…
Going for a weekly kcal average, I would then eat "extra" protein on the days I was eating above average. The days Im lifting weights, my hunger cant really be satisfied, so would also be able to eat a lot of protein. Non-lifting days however, I currently have a very low appetite, to the point where I often struggle to eat…
I do try hit the goal daily, but realized I fall short way too often. I guess a better way to phrase my question is, if I only get 100g monday and tuesday, is there any point in aiming for more than 140g the following days to compensate?
Just received 500g of xantham and guar gum respectively. Guess Im gonna try out all the fluff recipes in this thread :)
Im in SEA. Here an iced coffee is loaded with sugar and sweetened condensed milk. Dont know how many kcal in one of those bad boys, my best guess is "a lot!".
How much do you weigh?
I find jicama amazing as a raw vegetable. I often fry pumpkin and lotus root (dont know if the later is available in the West)
I didnt expect the calories to magically disappear during sprouting, but It isnt 500g of peanuts that is sprouted, but instead 500g after sprouting. So I assumed that would include a lot of water weight, hence significantly less calories than the same weight in "normal" peanuts, but clearly I was wrong. When soaking in…
Foam rolling the IT band or in general?