gemjolsnes Member


  • I have hypermobile joints and am struggling to find exercises that don't risk sublixations/dislocations. People keep suggesting things like yoga and palates, but stretching is a no go. I'm going to try to get back to swimming, but is there anyone here with similar issues that works out at home? Thanks!
    in Workouts Comment by gemjolsnes July 2017
  • I'm Grete. I'm 35 and am in the diagnosis process for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hypermobility type). I had originally planned to dance professionally, but was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at 20 (and now we get to figure out if that was a misdiagnosis or of I have both). This app is the only way I've successfully lost weight…
  • Surprised and pleased to see this when I did a Google search for Ehlers-Danlos workout program. This app is the only thing I've done to successfully loose weight, which is obviously extra detrimental to my/our health. I have a "suggested diagnoses" of hypermobility type - like a lot of you I'm in the less severe camp…