smorsie324 Member


  • And I would rather eat no fruit than berries! It's something about the seeds! I can eat strawberries.. If they're covered in whipped cream! hahaha I prefer cherries, apples, pineapple (super bad, i know), and melon (also, super bad).. I think I'll be better off to just skip them.
  • Me either.. I've been looking at it for like 10 minutes...
  • I heard that about cinnamon! i actually just bought some today and plan on starting them tomorrow. i didn't think about that possibly helping with the fruit. thank you!
  • Thank you! It does help, a lot. I have PCOS, which is an insulin resistance issue.. Go figure. I have been taking blood sugar a few times a day, and the highest is ALWAYS my fasting one.. I'm in 'normal' range for all of the other times.. So I'm just kinda frustrated. I love fruit, and I want to eat fruit, but not throw my…
  • I'm with you ladies! I'm not letting PCOS control me anymore. So excited to be losing weight with all of you!
  • @Valarie, Thank you so much! I have never had a support group with my weight loss journey, and I think it's just what I need to finally kick butt and get healthy!
  • @Glypta, Thank you very much for your kind words! We have decided that we were going to stop 'trying' (aka I was going to break my pee-on-a-stick habit and stop taking medicine) at least throughout the holidays and start fresh the beginning of the new year. I really don't want to be devastated thoughout the holidays, and…
  • Thank you so much! I've actually been doing well and it's AMAZING how much better I feel! I even wore cute panties yesterday (TMI, Maybe lol) because I was feeling so much better about myself!!