An introduction/my story! :)

Hey everyone! I'm definitely new to these posts, and thought I'd share my story! I can't wait to get fit!!

Ever since I was little I’ve struggled with weight. Even when I was extremely active I always seemed pudgier than the other kids. I was always the fat kid in the family, and always the one that got picked on for it. I continued with my sports and activities and got super involved with everything in order to ‘fit in’. But, I never felt like I was a part of anything. After high school, I went to a couple of different schools, put on more like the ‘freshman 50’ than the ‘freshman 15’. I was just on a down hill spiral, and I didn’t know how to fix it. By 2007, I was already at 175lbs.

In March of 2007, I met my future husband, Brandon. We really enjoyed going out dining, he loved to cook, and we really focused our relationship around food. Over the course of dating, living together, being strapped for cash a lot of the time, and trying to make things work; we adapted a very very unhealthy lifestyle. No exercise other than our jobs, the dollar menu at McDonalds, and whatever other easy things we could do. It was a lot cheaper to buy a couple $1 hamburgers than it was to go to the grocery and get fresh healthy things. Today, 2 years since we got married, I have put on almost 100 pounds since we’ve met. I’m at a staggering 262 lbs. It makes me want to vomit just typing the number out. I’ve tried so many different fad diets, and I’ve never really been satisfied or determined, and I gave up.

In October of 2010. I got a new job that made me go from on my feet moving around and climbing ladders to sitting in front of a computer screen for 10 hours a night. On top of that, I began working 3rd shift. Very very bad combination. I’ve gained about 30 pounds since last October.

In January of this year, I decided I had enough of my weight after seeing pictures of myself at my sister’s wedding. I couldn’t believe I had gotten that big. I hired a personal trainer that I saw twice a week. I was trying to eat healthier, but I wasn’t doing a good enough job. After 12 weeks, at 80 bucks a week, I hadn’t lost a pound. In fact, I put on weight. I stopped seeing him because I was simply throwing money away. I determined I was just going to deal with being fat. I’d be content.

In May, after trying to get pregnant for a couple of months, we decided to seek the help of a doctor. After many blood tests, poking and prodding, and his expert opinion, it was determined that I had PCOS. My cycle was all screwed up, and I was rarely ovulating, if at all. I was really bummed out. PCOS, a lot of time, is found in overweight/obese people. So in short, we haven’t been getting pregnant for the simple fact that I haven’t been taking care of myself. It was 100% my fault. Throughout May and the beginning of June I was put on medication to induce ovulation. It was working! I was so happy. June 8th we went in for an IUI, a less invasive fertility procedure. I was so excited. I knew it would just work. My husband’s healthy, my body was finally working right, we paid our $300 and we were going to get pregnant. I couldn’t take a test until June 22nd (2 weeks after the procedure). I knew it was going to be the hardest 2 weeks of my life. Or so I thought. June 18th, we were in Columbus for a wedding. I couldn’t believe what I saw after I got out of the shower. I had started. I was absolutely devastated. It didn’t work. That was the last straw. I HAVE to get healthy.

A girl I went to high school with had been posting all of this information on her Facebook about TurboFire. I watched videos, I read reviews, and I decided I wanted to try it. I needed something fun. I needed to completely change my diet and my activity level. After researching PCOS, I’ve decided that a low GI diet is best for me. My insulin isn’t regulated correctly which is causing the lack of ovulation. Starting June 20th, our 2 year anniversary, I completely changed my diet: lots of veggies, and fruits, and lean protein. No more red meat, no pop (wasn’t much of a deal, I don’t drink pop that often anyway), no unnatural sugars, no junk food, no fast food (unless it’s grilled chicken, and not every day, just when I absolutely have to), and finally, extremely cutting back my carb intake. To me, bread is like other people’s chocolate. I’d rather have a roll from O’Charley’s than a big piece of chocolate cake. Well, that lasted a couple of weeks and I was back to the easy route of fast food.

My husband came to me about a month ago and said, "babe, I really want a baby. We have go to get healthy." My heart SHATTERED. I was the cause for us not having a family yet, and it was hurting him.

So I'm back on my journey, and this time, it's for good... I can't wait to meet everyone and help support and get support! :)


  • indianaangel
    You are on the right path! You can add me as a friend and I will help motivate you :)
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    You can do it! It is a hard journey but with prayer and motivation you will do it! Good luck with everything :smile:
  • smorsie324
    smorsie324 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much! I've actually been doing well and it's AMAZING how much better I feel! I even wore cute panties yesterday (TMI, Maybe lol) because I was feeling so much better about myself!!
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I wish you all the luck in the world. In fact, it's not luck, it's just perseverance. It's rubbish and depressing and boring and miserable sometimes, but when the weight comes off, and it will, that'll keep you motivated. It seems you're in the right frame of mind, you'll have the odd piece of bread and that's ok, just don't let it turn into a loaf, and another and another. Stay focused most of the time, and you'll do great!

    And as an aside, my friend was overweight with PCOS and desperately wanted a baby. When she began to focus on her weight, and lost a little, and stopped focussing entirely on pregnancy, she got pregnant, and she's due in December. So it can happen for you too.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Ok so reading this brought tears to my eyes.. Good luck on your journey.. You came to the right place.. You can do anything you set your mind to.. People on here are very supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • smorsie324
    smorsie324 Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you very much for your kind words! We have decided that we were going to stop 'trying' (aka I was going to break my pee-on-a-stick habit and stop taking medicine) at least throughout the holidays and start fresh the beginning of the new year. I really don't want to be devastated thoughout the holidays, and I'm sure it would be like Christmas morning that I would find out I wasn't pregnant.. :)
  • smorsie324
    smorsie324 Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you so much! I have never had a support group with my weight loss journey, and I think it's just what I need to finally kick butt and get healthy!
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    We share a similar story. I put on 50lbs in the 9 years my husband and I have been together and we've been trying to have a baby but have had no luck. Now I've pretty much reached my last straw! My best friend had lost a noticable amount of weight so I asked her what was working for her and she said MFP. I have only dedicated my time to the site for 15 days now but so far I've lost 6 lbs! I really like the site for this very reason - finding others out there who share my struggle. I added you as a friend and hope the best for you in all your goals :)