thisisbeej Member


  • Thanks for the advice. I always weigh everything when portioning usually in grams. Much appreciated!
  • For me, its quite simple. Protein really helps keep your blood sugar levels stable the longest. You can get your energy from sugars, carbs or protein. Protein is the most complex and keeps your feeling less hungry the longest. I all but live off boneless chicken breast. I count macros so I have do have some fats and carbs…
  • I love nature and it all it's scenic beauties -- thats enough to get me outside. However, Im an introverted guy and before I started my weight-loss journey I was the same way. Just didn't feel motivated. For me, part of the motivation came from the weight-loss itself. As I started losing more weight I found myself…
  • That was me for the longest time with previous weight loss attempts. its all about persistence. Food was my biggest problem, I went without for so long that I eventually started allowing bad habits to creep back into my life until I'd stop dieting. This time for me, I eat pretty much what I want. I count macros (protein,…
    in Hello! Comment by thisisbeej July 2017