AmandaABW Member


  • If you have a partner/co-parent, talk to them about what you need. A couple months ago I couldn’t fathom leaving my husband to do the morning routine alone (our kids are 4 and 2 and in daycare full time), and now I workout 1-2 mornings per week while he does the morning alone. I work from home, so I’m also able to fit in a…
  • @lisa_newmum anything you’re doing for yourself with a 4 month old you should be proud of!!! My kids are 4 and 2...I realized I can’t blame my weight on my pregnancy any more when my youngest is 2.
  • Hi all, I haven’t posted in years...I got back to cation about my heath in early August, turning 39 years old. I figure I have a year to feel good about myself when I turn 40! SW: 251 CW: 237 Lowest ever weight: 167 Reasonable weight I’d like to get to: 185-195 Next goal: 225. This is what I weighed before having my first…
  • Have you tried the mental exercise of trying to get to the bottom of your motivation? You just keep asking “why?” until you get to the bottom of it. Example? What’s your motivation? To lose weight. Why? To look better in pictures. Why? So I can have fun and not worry how I look in pictures. Why? Because I don’t want people…
  • I assume they get some type of contact with their families in Jury, and also news from around the world. It has to be a lot more freeing than being in the house! Stuff is probably all censored so no one tells them "secrets" from the game, but I'm sure there's still a ton more freedom!
  • And I can't stand Paul. I think the other characters would be much more interesting if it wasn't "the Paul show" all the time. He just takes over everything. And I can't wait until eviction night when Jess is just like "No, we're not having an eviction. We're staying. Thanks guys.". LOL.
  • The only good thing about keeping the noms the same is going to be to watch Cody apologize to Jess that he was so wrong and Jess was so right. Jess is going to be PISSED. She completely figured out what the other side of the house was up to, and he talked her out of it! I have no idea why they don't just get rid of Paul.…
  • Ugh Josh just seems like a terrible human being to me. I really can't stand him.
  • I've been watching! And I'm one of those weirdos that actually likes Cody. I hated him at first, but then I started to like him when he had the plan to backdoor Paul. That would have been amazing if Paul didn't have the temptation! You know Paul's good at the game, get him out! I REALLY want him to get back in!