i joined sparkpeople it is great they have alot of support and photos and everyone is allways posting things, pics of meals they make, advice, you see the people and there journeys to loose weight, videos,
the small country store buys the liters of pop for 50cents then they sell it for 1.50 so they make alot of money, instead of purchasing it from the cola company's, this goes on in every town in america.
no its not extreme, your worried about people drinking to much sugar,more importantly is the children who dont get the food thier food stamps are suppose to buy, and that topic is more important and its a reality.
where we live people will use there food card to buy 50 liters of pop, 12 packs, etc, they then sell the pop to small country stores for money,ive seen them pulling 3 wallmart carts full of pop before, so that means the children go without food, im sure the goverment knows what they buy with there food cards they should…
i'm from california, but now live in ohio, i miss the beach so much!
those medications are dangerous look up the side effects. they cause stomech problems, and alot more problems with kidneys and liver. you get chromium in your food and really dont need to take pills.hope this helps.