40-minute tempo run this morning, interrupted briefly when I met a cat who let me pet him. 15/80 miles.
I hate strength training too, and always made excuses to not do it...then I found a hobby that requires actual upper body strength; now I have a pull-up bar over my bedroom door and a membership in a circuit training group that forces me to do pushups! Find a reason to do it besides "I have to/it's good for me" and then…
Thanks! Consistency in training is what I always struggle with though, so the self-sabotage part of my brain is already expecting me to bail on the rest of the plan :neutral: I'll make my 6-miler next week, no matter what...
Missed my first workout of this training series - was supposed to do a 'long' run of 5 miles on Sunday, but due to a combination of heat exhaustion and TOM, I spent the day on the couch instead. I don't regret skipping the run, but now the question is, do I try and make it up, or do I just continue with my training plan?…
@Elise4270 2008 - it was freezing cold, rainy, there were no wildlife, and I undertrained. But I signed up for another half the following spring, so I guess I enjoyed it?
Spirit of Survival was my first half marathon! Hope your race day is amazing :)
I get up at 5...still disgustingly hot and humid, but at least there's no sun beating down on me. I make sure to drink a ton of water the day before; it helps, but not a lot. The only reason that I suffer through it instead of running on the treadmill is because my first two 10ks are going to be in similar weather and I…
8/1: 3mi 8/2: 2mi 8/3: 4mi Total: 9/80 I've stuck to my training plan three days in a row! *is proud*
8/2: 2 miles Total: 5/80 Two for two so far! I did my two-mile run immediately after my circuit training group workout this morning, and am super proud of myself for doing it. My goal this month is consistency (stop skipping runs just because I don't feel like running) and improving my endurance (my upcoming half marathon…
This is my first time doing a running challenge! I'm aiming for 80 miles; I have a 10k coming up at the end of August and have been seriously slacking on my training - it's just so stupidly humid outside. But I did my three miles this morning and didn't die, so, hooray!