misshellybell Member


  • I probably do it 2-3 times a week. My goal is to do it once a week but I just can’t. I need to know that I’m heading in the right direction otherwise if I get to my weekly weigh in date and I’ve not lost anything I’m going to be annoyed that I’ve lost a whole week dieting lol.
  • I’ve been back and forth with slimming world over the years. I used to love it, but hated the classes. An hour and half of sitting there clapping people. Used to bore me to near death. I’ve started looking at them in a different light over the last year though. I just find them to be another money grabbing company now. I…
  • I've done it in the past and was actually surprised how hard some of the tasks were. Keeping them floats under water is harder than you think haha. I wouldn't worry if it's just elderly people. If you are not the fittest of people it may be a good place to start. Build up some fitness then move it to the gym or home…
  • Hi, I've just started swimming again. I used to be a swimmer in school for school competitions ect but not swam since (I'm 34 now). Went on Friday and was out of breath doing one length!! But I love it and am going to keep going. I'm setting myself little targets each time. For instance I did 40 lengths yesterday but I had…
  • I have a slight obsession with weighing myself also. Maybe 3 times a day. I used to say it helped me keep on track but that's a massive lie. I've not stepped on the for a few days (I know right!) and I'm hoping to slowly ease myself off them. I think it's hard when you first start a weight loss plan as it takes a while to…
  • Thanks all! I appreciate your comments. I really wasn't looking for sympathy votes just explaining where I'm at that was all, but I really appreciate the responses xx
  • I've done all sorts. Cleanses, weight watchers, slimming world, replacement meals, diet pillscalorie counting. Truth is I'm lazy and I've let myself go. So enough is enough! Today is the first day of getting my life back. I know what you mean about not wanting to buy bigger clothes. I try to avoid social events because I…
  • Seen a doctor and advised to see a Counsillor but I'm wierd with stuff like that. I hate talking about my feelings. I feel like I'm not important enough and there's other people who could use their help before me. Exercise and good diet is one of the many steps I plan to take but this is the first one. Gotta start…
  • 5"3 here also! Would love to lose around 50lbs and look less bloblike and swollen if you get me. Good luck with your journey x