Hi I am in Darwin, feel free to add me
Hi, I'm in Darwin. Feel free to add me
You have a huge overall goal to achieve. It might be less daunting if you set yourself smaller goals as steps to get to your target. E.g. 5kg at a time. Everymorning when you wake up, have a glass of water then go outside for a walk. Start with a walk around the block, and as you feel you are capable, extend the walk to…
I like to cut carrot cucumber and celery into sticks and dip them into homemade hummus or beetroot dip.
Welcome to the community. Feel free to ask any question, lots of people can help :) There are exercise tips and recipes in other forums Good luck and keep up that motivation.
Well done. Keep up the great enthusiasm. Tgere is plenty of support here :)
Simple to make but I love making my own dressing. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice, a little olive oil (or flax seed oil) and salt n pepper. Simply mix together and pour over steamed veggies or drizzle on a salad. Thow in your favourite fresh or dried herbs for extra flavour.
Hi :) It doesn't take too long to prepare some breakfast and lunch foods in advance. Then just grab them from the fridge/freezer on your way out the door in the morning. Try looking on youtube for some healthy meal-prep ideas. Good luck
I eat an average 1400 calories per day. Getting those calories from veggies, salads, meats, and a little bit of fruit. Have lost nearly 3kg (6lb) so far. But maybe I am building muscle at the same time ....
Darwin, Australia