Im pretty sure I have a profile picture up
Gym teacher
Sex, weights, and protein shakes!
28, married, receptionist
Lol, I strive for a complete stangers to come up and complement my arms! Thats awesome!!!! Happy early birthday!
The track and feild all state runner
You went feom "diet" to lifestyle. There is a difference, saying diet puts a contingency on success meaning its temporary and its easy to go back, verses making the lifestyle change, your focusing on just moving forward and what works for you. Its all about the mindset. Good job and keep up the good work, your a good…
Its simple for me. If you love animals. Just dont eat them lol. Working on my way to becoming a full vegan, been pretty close this year, just need to switch my protein shake.
Probably falling asleep
Lol Clarks Bostonian, I was the store Manager, hated that company, very close though. Blue eyes?
I used to live there, my parents are still out there, moved here to California for my wife, we are 23 and 24 years old and plan on visiting soon in the next few months!
I wonder if she took that photo in the snow
Id say 10-12 good work man!!!
Feel free to add! Very active on here!!!
You are an amazing life partner man, there needs to be more men who step up with love and respect for thier wifes!! You are an awesome example!
What if I told you...... I was making a general statement... maybe you should think that through for a minute, like I said I have no interest in arguing with anyone. You take what you will from this thread.
Like I have said, arguing is pointless to people that dont want to learn, do your own research, If you watch the documentary hes pretty dang clear where he got his studies from. I have been lookong into it for 4 years now because my wife was a vegetarian for 3 when we had met, I used to eat meat everyday at least 2-3 times…
Or maybe meat eaters lifes are to short to take seriously. Lol before you get mad its a joke, you all can say its "over dramatized" but do your research and still meat is pretty bad for you. Not going to argue on here, just liked to make the joke/poke at someone. Sorry it had to be you.
Looks like a great swimmer
The popular girl in Drama class
So sorry for your loss, I can not imagine going through that. Just know hes looking down on you and he is proud of the person you are becoming, think of how he would want you to feel, I guarantee he wants you to be happy, do it for him as well, he is watching you overcome your struggles, watching you become stronger, hes…
For everyone who says they are being selfish.... YOU'RE NOT! Focusing on yourself is a good thing, you have to learn to be happy with yourself, proud and love who you are to then truly love someone else. You will be able to give more, you will think of others more, you wont care about what people around you think and…
Looking for more friends to motivate!
My wife and I just bad our baby this past Easter, shes just now starting to fit back into her whole wardrobe and shes loving it! I believe in you!!
Thank you for serving and your sacrifice man. Really inspiring. Your destiny is in your hands and your story will be how YOU write it. People need leaders like you in this world
Great thing about doing something once, you know you can do it again! Keep it up!!!
Hell yeah man! Keep it up, if she cant handle you at your worst she definitely doesnt deserve you at your best. Glad to see your taking the pain and becoming stronger because of it!
CIA project manager
Suit up