jsminer827 Member


  • Doesn't it go back to depending upon the definition of "junk"??? Nut butters and pure oil are high in fat and therefore very calorie dense, but they aren't necessarily "processed" which is what I think of when I think of "junk" Using a simple example, peanut butter... only peanuts are needed, maybe a little salt. I buy…
  • Congratulations on the 10 pound loss! I'm not sure of your age, but I plugged 35 (doesn't make a lot of difference)... at 301 and 5'10" for a female to lose 2 pounds a week (a safe rate given your current weight), you should probably be somewhere more like 1,900 calories per day...…
  • My $0.02... I was a diet soda drinker. I drank A LOT of it... 2 liters plus a day. Almost to the exclusion of any other beverage. What I found was that the sweetness of the diet soda made me crave other sweet things which derailed any possibility of dieting. Going by the BMI chart, I was 92 pounds overweight and desperate…
  • cut zucchini into coins, spray with cooking spray, salt/pepper/italian seasoning... put on lined sheet pan and toss in the oven at 350 F for 15 minutes... flip and sprinkle with shredded parm... back in the oven until the parm is toasty and brown.
    in Zucchini Comment by jsminer827 May 2018
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS and I've lost about 65 pounds in the course of a year. I have another 10... alright, probably 15, to go before I feel like I'm done and frankly this last 15 is definitely the hardest. Here's the thing... PCOS can complicate things, but at the end of the day it's calories in versus calories out. If…
  • I would avoid dates that require emphasis on food and drinking... if you choose an activity and end up spilling over into a mealtime, just skip the carbs - order specially or just skip the bun or whatever. And drink-wise, vodka tonic - low cal and low carb. Or... just put it in your profile that you aren't a drinker and…
  • If your BMR is 1266 that's not exactly abnormal... that says if you did nothing all day - literally laid in bed, you would burn 1,266 calories. If you don't eat at least that minimum, you are doing your body a disservice because you aren't giving it even the bare minimum it needs to function. You should not eat under your…
  • The nutrition facts for one or more of your entries is off.
  • Can always use more friends! I have been around for 7-ish maybe 8 months. I'm 60+ pounds off of my high weight and I think I have about 10 more to go. I'm taking a bit of a break (meaning I'm working on finding maintenance) because after 6+ months of calorie restriction I'm tired. That, and I want to do a Tough Mudder in…
  • This is exactly the thread I need in my life right now... I started at 221 (highest weight ever was 236). In about six months I lost around 50 pounds. For the last month I've been hovering at 172.something - the .something varies daily, but the 172 has stayed steady. I want to lose more, at least I think I do... but I…
  • At 186 and 5'5" tall, you probably were consuming somewhere in the ballpark of 2,500 calories a day given your gym activities and I'm making an assumption that you have a fairly low activity job. If you go to 1,200 calories a day plus exercise calories you'll lose the weight... but will you be better off? A drop of 1,300…
  • I haven't read any long-term studies (in fairness, not sure it's possible given relative new-ness), but from personal experience erythritol is one of the few sugar alcohols that seem not to cause gas and bloating for me - a lot of lower calorie foods or those that are marketed as low carb use sugar alcohols in place of…
  • Even after losing about 50 pounds in the last 6 months, I still go on an occasional binge. It's usually after several days of denying myself something because it doesn't fit in the plan. So I log it. Even when, afterwards, I realize that I blew my entire deficit for the week, I log it. And then I get back on the wagon and…
  • I stink at getting up early in the morning - I have the best of intentions, but my body just does not like to be up before 5:30 AM. I usually go to bed around 9:30 PM (which I think is pretty reasonable after getting the kids, making dinner, baths, bedtime routine, yadda yadda... and prepping for the next day). But I have…
  • There isn't a magic food to eat to lose weight or a list of no-no's... but, sometimes life gets in the way of our best laid plans so I like to make sure I have QuestBars on hand (low GI, lots of protein which is good for me because added sugar makes me want more sugar which derails me hardcore), I usually have a protein…
  • For salads I put in a serving of lettuce - it's like 20 calories or something, and I eyeball it. It's mostly water anyway. Cucumbers and celery are the only other two that I eyeball... everything else that goes on gets weighed. For virtually every other food I eat, I weigh everything to the gram (or convert to ounces,…
  • I was just searching for Tough Mudder stuff - I am thinking that I will sign up for the NorthEast September event on Gunstock Mountain. It'll be my first and I've been thinking about trying to leverage my gym to get a small team together. How is training going?
  • So... at 160 on a 5'7" woman who is about 40 years old you are barely falling into the overweight category from a BMI perspective... like 25.1. You're right that your "target" is probably somewhere in the 140-ish pound range, but you aren't way off. Do you want to lose the 20 pounds or are you happy? There isn't anything…
  • Mine is open, feel free to add - I log consistently (even on the bad days... and there are a few!).
  • (HW: 236#, Ultimate GW: 150#, Ultimate GW Target Date: 6/1) For this challenge, I will achieve 159# for April Fool's Day... 1/8 - 174.4# actual 1/15 -173.2 1/22 - 172.8 1/29 - 2/5 - mini-goal - 169# 2/12 - 2/19 - 2/26 - 3/5 - mini-goal - 164# 3/12 - 3/19 - 3/26 - 4/1 - Challenge goal - 159#
  • Hello from Central Connecticut!
  • I have also found that putting 2.5# plates under my heels helps my form on squats immensely... just another thought if you are still experimenting. Congratulations on the size 8 and the jump in weight on the squats!
  • Squats can easily become part of a cardio or a strength training routine (one is for speed, the other with some weight). I don't see any reason not to incorporate squats, unless you have an underlying medical issue to be concerned with.
  • (HW: 236#, Ultimate GW: 150#, Ultimate GW Target Date: 6/1) For this challenge, I will achieve 159# for April Fool's Day... 1/8 - 174.4# actual 1/15 -173.2 1/22 - 1/29 - 2/5 - mini-goal - 169# 2/12 - 2/19 - 2/26 - 3/5 - mini-goal - 164# 3/12 - 3/19 - 3/26 - 4/1 - Challenge goal - 159#
  • I started at 221 in June 2017 and in December I was at 174. I lost 47 pounds BUT... it took a dedicated effort to behave well food-wise and I went from zero exercise to 3-4 times per week of strength training and cardio. I still have 30 to go to get to the top end of a healthy BMI, though with the muscle I've put on, I…
  • I think this is an interesting conversation. I think it's a really hard conversation because it is a huge task to have it without leaving your SO/spouse feeling attacked, even when you take it from the angle of health. It is just a super-sensitive topic regardless of which side you're on because it is so very personal, I…
  • Room for one more? I weigh daily because I'm a nerd and like to see how I retain water after workouts, where diet traps catch me, etc... but, for this challenge, I'll input my Monday morning weights. As of this morning I was 174.4# (HW: 236#, Ultimate GW: 150#, Ultimate GW Target Date: 6/1) For this challenge, I will…
  • Have you calculated your caloric needs? Are you tracking your intake to understand where the variance might be? If you keep a log and you're consistently coming in at or below your goal over the course of four weeks then you might want to see a doctor and rule out any medical issue.
  • The FitBit always confused me - I wore one for awhile but I felt like that activity was already factored into the basic activity level setting so I stopped doing that. I know there is also something with negative calories which I think is where mfp identifies that you are not being active to the base setting you chose and…
  • Welcome and Happy New Year! I've been around the place almost 6 months and I know it can be a bit of trial and error at the outset, so I think you're in the right place... I've found that when I first started and I had lots of weight to lose, I set mfp to 2 pounds a week and sedentary because up to that point, I was. Since…