tammyd_white Member


  • Eat eggs if you want eggs....They aren't bad. They were demonized for their cholesterol, but it turns out dietary cholesterol has little, if any, influence on your total cholesterol. Most if it comes from your liver.....Just eat the WHOLE egg - egg whites are a bit inflammatory and can block choline absorption - with the…
  • I have been keto/low carb off and on since 1998-ish. I had a problem with my gall bladder that led to a problem with my pancreas, that was only relieved with low carb. I wasn't 'specifically' keto in the beginning. But Looking back on my diet, I was. And weight stayed off me quite easily. The only time I've gained weight…
  • We have essential fatty acids (fat) and essential amino acids (protein). No essential carbs. Otherwise, I don't completely disagree with a lot of that graphic. as I've stated, I do think that people should do what feels best for them. But if you are struggling (which was the point of all this to begin with - read the…
  • I agree. But even outside of that - if all things are equal as far as micro nutrients. Straight calories are not the same. The oreos will stimulate lots of insulin, the lard will not. The excess protein will be converted to glucose. Etc. They just are not treated the same.
  • LOL Ok. I can see I should have never been sucked into this then.
  • Well, I'd already putthe link to the 382 day study. You're welcome to read that too. Here are a few more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11147801 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20300080 (cardiac study but it found that "Fat mass decreased (P < 0.05) by 5.4 ± 0.8 kg, whereas fat-free mass did not change")…
  • Please do enlighten me. I am in grad school for this very thing. Cortisol causes weight gain/retention around the mid section, I have an hour glass figure. It is associated with adrenal issues and mood swings (which is why I mentioned how I felt). It is associated with blood pressure issues, my is usually super low (then…
  • The idea behind eating 'Paleo' is about eating whole, real, minimally processed foods. So yes, I think anyone could safely eat that way. As far as growing kids, they eat more when they are hungry and growing. They eat less when they are not. If they are equipped with eating a real food diet. It's the sugary, processed junk…
  • The article talks about stress and cortisol, which I covered by saying I felt good and wasn't overly tired, etc. in the post you replied to. So I figured I'd cover the idea that it would have wrecked your metabolism.... But on the Paleo thing, yes, it may be a calorie deficit, but like the other studies I posted, that…
  • I definitely know you can stall your metabolism, but the reason I got to where I was, was due to lack of results. I started with a much smaller deficit and over time increased it to see even the 1 pound per week. Now that I'm fat adapted, I eat at least twice the calories, exercise half as much and lost 20 pounds in just a…
  • Please, show me the studies that prove the 3500 calorie hypothesis? I would really love to read them, honestly. I provided studies in another reply if you want to take a look. Now I'd really love to see the evidence in the positive for 3500 calories equalling a pound. I have not found it.
  • n=1... Anyway, show me a study that the numbers worked? Those articles have links to the studies, I don't start with those because most people glaze over. But here's some for you... Here's one showing that having a higher protein diet, with the same calorie deficit lost more than the lower protein counter part:…
  • The problem is, if it's off, then the whole thing is wrong. Meaning if it was 3167 and removed 500/day- you should lose faster. But that's not what happens. I personally used to have a 1,000+ calorie deficit between diet and exercise EVERY day. I ate only 1200 calories, which is the minimum I should be eating. I felt fine,…
  • Only if there was no longer any fat to use though. Because the body will not sacrifice muscle unless there is no other source. Here's an article: https://idmprogram.com/fasting-and-muscle-mass-fasting-part-14/
  • "A hypothesis is either a suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon, or a reasoned prediction of a possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena. In science, a theory is a tested, well-substantiated, unifying explanation for a set of verified, proven factors. A theory is always backed by evidence; a…
  • No, there's no study showing the the 3500 calories per pound is accurate. In fact, every study ever done based on that hypothesis, has proved themselves to be inaccurate. Look for even one. One that shows the correct correlation to X calorie deficit to pounds. Yes, reducing your intake will cause weight loss, but the 3500…
  • First, congrats on your weight loss! That is truly a great accomplishment. Here are some easier to read articles on this, they link out to the studies if you really want to read that deep. http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/111114p36.shtml https://www.runnersworld.com/weight-loss/biggest-weight-loss-myth-revealed…
  • I do not see how what ashleyallossery said was ridiculous. People have extended fasts all the time. The record is a 382 day fast that was monitored and showed very good therapeutic value. You can read the study here.
  • It looks like you've gotten tons of anti-low carb advice, and if you think abandoning that is appropriate for you, then so be it. But what I'm guessing it that you've tried many methods, Low Cal, Low Fat, etc. So here's another perspective. The calorie hypothesis was just that, a hypothesis (the whole 3500 cals per pound…
  • Look into Dr Jason Fung. He is a big supporter of intermittent fasting and has a ton of good info on it. I do a 16-18 hour fast everyday, occasionally going 24-48 hours just to sort of reset. I plan to work up to a week long fast once a year. There is a lot of evidence that this is an effective cancer prevention technique…
  • I don't agree that calories need to be reduced or even kept track of. If you are eating enough fat, you will be satiated without eating too many calories. What I read from you was that you go over on carbs and protein pretty often - which means you are probably getting kicked out of ketosis. Through a process called…
  • I have been keto off and on for a while. It worked well for me before, but I have some auto immune conditions and they got pretty bad so the dr put me on prednisone....Yea, can't do Keto on that. But I'm back again now for the last few months or so (minus a cruise vacation!). I'm almost to where I want to be. Trying to get…
  • You can only do that on the mobile app right now. As I understand it, they are working on adding it to the web UI.