rosyone1 Member


  • The calculator tells me I have a thin body frame, which is what I thought. For an adult woman of my height, I have relatively long legs and a short torso with narrow hips, a poorly defined waist, and a natural thigh gap at a healthy weight. I don't think my shoulders are particularly wide or narrow relative to height, but…
  • I feel sluggish when I consume too much carb, whether or not I'm coming off keto. It has to do with insulin levels, no? I'm also more likely to get carb cravings.
  • For most of my adult life (pre-menopause) I thought of myself as average, if not marginally overweight, when my bmi was actually way below average according to this: I have a light frame with a slender neck, prominent collarbones, and long and lean arms and legs relative to my…
  • When I was younger - a lot younger - I wore a size 10. Now at the same weight, I wear 2s and 4s. Strange that my underwear sizes haven't changed at all.
  • WW predates the Internet and even predates the now legally required nutrition panels on food packages. It was a godsend for my mother but I never felt like I needed it with all of the resources that are available now.
  • It's about the same for us. I've always bought in season and stocked up when things were on sale and never did buy a lot of high carb processed food. There are some pricey new items on my grocery list now, like Rao's pasta sauce and almond meal, but I don't buy Texmati rice anymore and my bread and pasta expenses have…
  • I won't log onThanksgiving or Christmas day and will eat what I want, but only what I really want. No doubt there'll be candied sweet potatoes and probably one of those fruit salads with miniature marshmallows. Those are both things I've always been able to take or leave, and I'll be leaving them this year. But I will be…
  • Ricotta is practically a staple here. I use it for pasta-free spinach and portabella lasagna.
  • It depends on how the family is used to eating. I haven't found it difficult to prepare keto friendly meats and vegetables for all, plus bread, potatoes, rice, or whatever for those who can have high carbs.
  • I have a difficult time detecting any differences in my own body when I look for them in the mirror or in photos. Where I do see progress is when I catch a glimpse my reflection in a storefront window or the glass door of a freezer at the grocery store or see myself unaware in a store's security monitor. For a fraction of…
  • I log as accurately as I can because I want to be able to look back in a week or a month or in six months and make some sort of realistic connection between what I was eating then and how I am doing today. You don't learn anything from logging lies.
  • I'm 5'7" and wear size 4 at 128 pounds, or sometimes a 2 in vanity sizing. Fairly narrow hips, obviously, and an apple type fat distribution that keeps that which is covered by a pair of mid-rise jeans on the lean side. I have to go up at least a size on pants that fit at my natural waist, though, because I have the same…
  • I'm low carbing now, but even when I wasn't I didn't track sugar. It never seemed useful to do so when the app doesn't differentiate between natural sugar and added processed sugar, which I try to avoid. Any non-fiber carbs I consume will ultimately be utilized as sugar anyway, whether or not they started out as sugar.
  • My brother, my mother, her brother, and their father all have or had T2. When my grandfather died from a stroke nearly 50 years ago in his mid-60s it was blamed on high blood pressure caused by one of the early diabetes management drugs. On my father's side, his paternal grandfather was the only diabetic I know of. That's…
  • It isn't universal, but it is common for weight loss to reverse the order of weight gain so that the problem areas where a developing weight problem is first noticed are the last to slim down. In my case, it was my midsection, upper belly, and hips. I have an "apple" fat distribution.
  • Wow! I'd be tempted to shave just to show off that new jawline.
  • Get used to it. I'm 5'7" with proportionately long legs and a tiny frame, small enough to be rather thick-waisted when I'm heavy enough to wear size 6 jeans. I look and feel better in 4s or even 2s, but they can be difficult to find if you aren't short enough to shop in the petite department. A doctor once characterized me…
  • The net carbs (total carbs - fiber) in your 400 grams of cauliflower and broccoli are somewhere between 8 and 17 grams, depending on the relative amounts of the two veggies. That would be a seriously supersized serving for me but I wouldn't have any difficulty accommodating it in my keto menu. The plant-based portion of my…
  • If it feels thick it sounds like you still have a blanket of fat under the skin. Does your tummy float in the bath?
  • Yeah, one of my favorite foods: potatoes. When I first found this site several years ago I cut starches and sweets out of my diet for a couple of weeks just to break the cycle of sugar cravings, then began adding the major non-sweet starches back one at a time. Wheat: OK. Corn: OK. Rice: OK. Sweet potato: OK. Potato other…
  • I lost nearly 60 pounds in 2011 and kept it off for 4 years, then it began creeping back on. I'm back to lose 20 pounds this time. My BMI is still in the "healthy" range but approaching the upper end and my frame is on the small side. Time to do something about the pudge before it REALLY gets out of hand.
  • Oh, good
  • Rather than telling myself no, I tell myself that if I still want something next Monday I'll have it then. Monday is my weigh-in day, and my day to cheat if I ever do. Usually, the craving has run its course and I've forgotten about it by then, though.
  • It's not me either - long-term - but it's great for getting your cravings for sweets under control. After 2 or 3 weeks of protein and non-starchy vegetables you can start adding the carbs back.
  • I'm apple shaped and because I'm short waisted I never did really have a waist - and never will unless I have a few ribs removed. Surplus fat goes straight to my abdomen, midsection, and upper hips, and at my heaviest I had that shelf thing going on in the back with a fat roll hanging over my back side. But my legs always…
  • Right now I'm watching calories and carbs, the latter because a 30 to 50g a day carb diet suppresses and stabilizes my appetite and makes it easier to stay within my calorie budget. I only plan to stay on it a few weeks, though, before I start working up to a moderate carb level that will be more sustainable. When I did…
  • I lost the way a bathtub drains: from the top down. After 30 pounds I could have gone down a size on my jeans but didn't really need to. But none of my old bras fit.
  • I'm back for what I hope will be my second successful experience with MFP, though the first didn't last. I lost 58 pounds in 2011 and kept it off until a couple of years ago. I'm back to lose the 20 pounds that have gradually crept back on since then.
  • Other way around for me. I needed new bras before I needed new jeans. And I went through a period when most of my tops were loose in the shoulders and chest but still a little snug around my hips.
  • Most people lose excess fat in the more or less the reverse order that they packed it on, which means you probably won't notice much of a difference in your long standing problem areas in the beginning. It will come from areas you hadn't identified as problems yet. In my case, it was my upper back.