Aqualang26 Member


  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-in: Saturday PW: 150.6 CW: 149.6
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (usually Friday night) PW: 150.4 CW: 153 Ooof! I knew it was coming, but it still wasn't fun to see. I ate more quantity and less quality while I was sick, so I'm not surprised. I also started my cycle which doesn't help. I'm trying to frame this as good - I didn't log and knew I was…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 152.4 CW: 150.4 My first goal is to be under 150 and I'm exciting to be approaching it! I also hope to enter 2022 at a healthy BMI - which, for me, is another 3.5 or 5.5 lbs depending on who you ask. I'm optimistic but not sure I'll hit that one, as I do plan on…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 154 CW: 152.4 This weekend we're going to the zoo on Saturday and Mom's for Sunday dinner and swim. Monday is going to be a challenge for me and my toddler. I have to bring a sample to a dr 1.5 hours away in the morning (3 hours round trip!) That's too much to ask of…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (usually Friday night) PW: 156.7 CW: 154 I'm really happy with this because I've deliberately stopped tracking (I have checked a few things I wasn't sure on.) As I'd mentioned several weeks ago, I'd been feeling burnt out on dieting. I think tracking every morsel for near a year is a…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In Day: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 156.9 CW: 156.7 I'll take it any loss considering I didn't stick to my diet several days this week. 😬 Back on track now though. Also, @lindamtuck2018 @Megan_smartiepants1970 I believe I should've had 5 weeks in the green for September. Can you check on that…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) PW: 158.2 CW: 157
  • Mjere! I'm so happy to see you here and on my team!! Let's tackle this together again! After Lowjax I got married then pregnant on our honeymoon (and now have a 2 year old!) But ate my way through that pregnancy and infant hood and had to lose it all over again - so here I am!
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 158.6 CW: 158.2
  • @lindamtuck2018 Congratulations!! Officially being off insulin is such a huge accomplishment! I hope you feel proud of yourself - I sure feel proud of you.
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 162 CW: 158.6 Those whooshes are so nice to see on the scale! Closing in on 100lbs lost - that will be an exciting milestone.
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 164.3 CW: 162 Yay!
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 164.8 CW: 163.8 @Poobah1972 I'm sorry you're feeling less motivated. I wish I had answers for you. Sadly, all I have is commiseration. I'm on a very similar timeline to yours and I've also been in a slump when it comes to excitement/motivation in similar ways. I…
  • Man, thanks a ton for this. It's super helpful - both the logic and the options. I think I'm definitely going to try one of these approaches, I'm just not sure which one yet. And just like that I went from feeling like I had only one all or nothing option to several great options. I liked this comment so much I…
  • Hey folks. So, I've been feeling burnt out with logging. I'm just tired of thinking about it, looking stuff up etc. Any advice on how to get over that?
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (usually Friday night) PW: 165.8 CW: 164.8 Slow and steady - I'll take it!
  • Oh man, I'd love some surgery to get rid of loose skin and tighten things up. Sadly, it will have to wait a while - years, really. We're still trying for another baby (miscarried a couple months ago) and will likely have to pay for assistance of some kind (IVF, donor eggs etc) which is expensive. We're going to keep trying…
  • @lindamtuck2018 Aw, thanks for noticing. I don't always lose big numbers, but I'm very happy with the consistent down trend. As for my #1 tool, it's honestly keto. It just works for me. I think I may be insulin-resistent. Other than staying away from carbs, I just do what everyone here does - track my food and stay at a…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 167.8 CW: 165.8
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) PW: 168.2 CW: 167.8 Not much of a loss, but the right direction. It's been hard to drink enough lately. My toddler is super into grabbing cups, taking a couple sips ... and then purposefully pouring them out. Between her astoundingly long reach and figuring out how to climb anything (including dragging…
  • @lindamtuck2018 For increased appetite with exercise, I try to make sure any exercise calories I eat back are protein since that's what it needs. I do still try not to dip into them much because they're so notoriously inflated. Plus, as they say, you can't outrun a poor diet. With new exercise that leaves muscles very…
  • I don't think I'm normally a huge emotional eater, but I'm so angry and sad and I'd really like to just bury myself in a plate of nachos. I just want my baby to be able to safely play with other kids. I want to go to the market without getting harrassed for wearing a mask (which I do to protect others.) It's basically been…
  • @lindamtuck2018 What fantastic news about your insulin!! 🎉💕🎉 Yayyy! I bet it feels great to have such a substantial result from your hard work! So very happy for you!
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-in: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 171.6 CW: 168.2 I was stoked to see this tonight, especially after a couple weeks of losing very slowly! That puts me at over 80lbs lost! I'm FINALLY starting to see/feel it. For a VERY long time I watched the scale go down, but couldn't really tell in the mirror or…
  • I don't post a lot, but I catch up on these threads every night and I just want to say that y'all are amazing. Truly. I'm inspired all the time by you. The workouts, the walks, the honesty, keeping at it, getting back on the horse after a slip or frustrating scale, digging through the emotional part of what got us…
  • @lindamtuck2018 Thanks, but still disappointing for me two weeks in a row. I don't eat back my exercise calories at all (they're notoriously inflated) but I also haven't been exercising much. I need to get back to lifting. It's hard to find the time as caretaker to my father and my toddler, but that's probably just an…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) PW: 172.4 CW: 171.6 Weight loss seems to be slowing down the last couple of weeks. I was hoping that wouldn't happen until I was closer to goal. Maybe it's time to up my exercise game. Welcome new members!
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) PW: 174 CW: 172.4 My baby turns 2 on Sunday! So we have a weekend of festivities and I plan to indulge within reason. At any rate, I'll be kicked out of ketosis which means 1-3lbs of water weight. Hopefully, it'll drop back off before next weigh-in. I can't believe this little firecracker is two already!…
  • Aqualang26 (Laura) Weigh-In: Saturday (Friday night) PW: 174.6 CW: 174
  • Question: Do you folks track absolutely everything? I'm talking garlic cloves, ground spices and the like. Especially interested in answers from others doing keto.