chriistie Member


  • You will probably gain weight when you eat solid food after basically fasting for three days. This will not be fat, assuming that you are eating under your maintenance calories, but will be the result of the food physically moving through your system, and possible water retention as you are probably quite low on sodium.…
  • Also i will be grocery shopping tomorrow and eating again tomorrow, i guess i'm like what did i do to my body?
  • yeah dude... i'm not joking... i get paid tomorrow. we get paid every 2 weeks but at the beginning of the month they just didn't send my bf's paycheck as normal... He has reapplied for another paycheck which should be sent with his next check. the question is like... I'm losing the hunger pains at this point and I don't…
  • "there is no real need to see a trainer if you are just going to do cardio" <--- that's most of what I wanna do. Super helpful. I didn't actively plan on paying for one, they just wanna give it to you. I feel like I got this on my own already. I paid for the membership, I go to the place, I work out for an hour and I bail.…
  • My friend is doing keto diet as of about 2 weeks ago. She was really sleepy for a while and seemed sick for like a week. Keto is basically no carbs with no sugar, sub high protein and fat. Any carbs and sugar you get needs to be NATURAL and supplimented with fiber. Now, I'm not on her diet but I AM calorie counting. I…