issue with paycheck has made me not eat for a few days now...

only was able to eat about 4-6 oz of mashed potatoes yesterday... that and one cup of coffee in the morning... this is my third day of this and the hunger pains are subsiding but I know I gotta eat... Is it weird that the hunger goes away after a few days?

First 2 days since we ran out of money and food was one cup of coffee in the morning and one cup of tea at night... no worries i supplement with lots of water. My bf is worried cause he is still eating but I don't have any co-workers who just buy me food when I'm struggling... So he made some potatoes cause its all we have left and I was able to eat something yesterday but I didn't even feel like cooking at that point, nor was I hungry. He kinda forced it in front of my face and watched me eat it... I'm hoping that this is normal and tomorrow I'll go get groceries and everything will be back to normal. I guess I'm afraid that since i didn't eat for a while that when I do eat, I'll gain more weight to supplement what I lost. Unsure how that works...


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Yikes. Do you have any friends or family that could help you two out?
  • chriistie
    chriistie Posts: 8 Member
    yeah dude... i'm not joking... i get paid tomorrow. we get paid every 2 weeks but at the beginning of the month they just didn't send my bf's paycheck as normal... He has reapplied for another paycheck which should be sent with his next check. the question is like... I'm losing the hunger pains at this point and I don't know if that's a bad sign cause I've never just "gone without" like this before... Even if we didnt have anything to eat we still actually had something to eat like crackers etc but we ran through all that over these past 2 weeks... no cans of veggies no nothin left
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    You will be fine. Yes, you might have a couple of lbs gain once you start eating more.
    Have you thought about going to a church or food pantry? They are everywhere, and you should be able to get enough to get you through to your next paycheck.
  • chriistie
    chriistie Posts: 8 Member
    Also i will be grocery shopping tomorrow and eating again tomorrow, i guess i'm like what did i do to my body?
  • chriistie
    chriistie Posts: 8 Member
    You will probably gain weight when you eat solid food after basically fasting for three days. This will not be fat, assuming that you are eating under your maintenance calories, but will be the result of the food physically moving through your system, and possible water retention as you are probably quite low on sodium. Your body gains fat when you eat over the number of calories it takes to maintain your body and daily activities, and loses fat when you eat under that. Clearly you've been under that for the past three days, but eating at a normal, healthy rate won't make you gain extra fat to compensate.

    COOL TY but as long as I eat tomorrow which I will, everything will be just fine. Cool. My bf got me worried was all this kinda was...
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    chriistie wrote: »
    Also i will be grocery shopping tomorrow and eating again tomorrow, i guess i'm like what did i do to my body?

    You have done no permanent harm, if that is what you are asking.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    chriistie wrote: »
    yeah dude... i'm not joking... i get paid tomorrow. we get paid every 2 weeks but at the beginning of the month they just didn't send my bf's paycheck as normal... He has reapplied for another paycheck which should be sent with his next check. the question is like... I'm losing the hunger pains at this point and I don't know if that's a bad sign cause I've never just "gone without" like this before... Even if we didnt have anything to eat we still actually had something to eat like crackers etc but we ran through all that over these past 2 weeks... no cans of veggies no nothin left

    I know people who fast for religious reasons and they say the hunger often does wear off, so that's pretty normal too.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Not sure what country you live in but have you considered seeking out assistance programs. Most countries provide some kind of food-stamp type program for people who literally do not have the money to purchase food. You should do your best to provide yourself food to eat, even if that requires swallowing some pride and seeking help.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited November 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I feel like your making excuses to starve yourself, You had potatoes and just chose not to eat them and now your worrying about "damage"? So when we tell you there is none is that in your mind us telling you its okay? And to lazy to cook is one thing but when someone makes you food after 2 days not eating to have to be forced to eat is worrying.

    I feel similarly to JaydedMiss here in that I also worry about how much of this is literally having no means with which to eat and how much of this is an excuse to actively avoid eating because you are concerned about your weight. There are ways of getting food if you commit to pursuing them (I don't mean stealing, I mean legally). You have to want to eat though.
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    In case it hasn't been said, eat really slowly when you start again. After fasting for that long, you may throw up if you start eating again to quickly.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I feel like your making excuses to starve yourself, You had potatoes and just chose not to eat them and now your worrying about "damage"? So when we tell you there is none is that in your mind us telling you its okay? And to lazy to cook is one thing but when someone makes you food after 2 days not eating to have to be forced to eat is worrying.

    I feel similarly to JaydedMiss here in that I also worry about how much of this is literally having no means with which to eat and how much of this is an excuse to actively avoid eating because you are concerned about your weight. There are ways of getting food if you commit to pursuing them (I don't mean stealing, I mean legally). You have to want to eat though.

    OP literally admitted to having food (potatoes, fries yum) And choosing not to eat them. Its not even like they had nothing
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    twinkles4 wrote: »
    In case it hasn't been said, eat really slowly when you start again. After fasting for that long, you may throw up if you start eating again to quickly.

    After 1 day?

    I read this as multiple days. I take it back if that is not the case.