Hanswifey Member


  • 10/8 Made it with my calories! I ended up filling quite a few of them with peanut m&Ms. But stayed within range so I guess that works. However I'd like to not be doing that. Got my exercising in with some Barre And did not do my stretching app - the struggle to stretch it real.
  • @davisonhome way to go for yesterday! As far as the weekend thing goes though I feel like there is a disruption to the flow of the week. I'm also home (sahm) but weekends hold friends and family outings and if not that then eating with my husband for more than just dinner or being out and about so convenience eating.. uh!…
  • 10/7 I have no idea for calories other than definitely over. My grandma had a party for my brother who is in town and there was way too much snacking on my end. So yep, fail for yesterday in all respects of discipline.. Starting today strong though!
  • @davisonhome have you planned out your meals for the day today? You've got this! Weekends are rough. I love weekends because they are fun but it feels like all structure is gone.
  • 10/6 Somehow I managed to stay within my calorie goal? I ended up snacking on candy while out hiking with my family (my dad is the sweets culprit). Of course everyone in my family is tiny so it doesn't really make a difference for them. But anyways, glad I didn't surpass the 2200. I added everything this morning and was a…
  • 10/5 Calories - 2100 so within my range! Exercise - none, was out and about for the day. Looking forward to a day of hiking today to wrap up my goal of 5x per week! Skipped stretching too thise which is dumb. Anyways, we've made it to the weekend! Keep strong everyone!
  • Welcome @robynleegetsfit ! For 10/4 I under ate calories again but I had a huge salad and I believe that to be the culprit. . Made my exercise goal! I used my app to do stretches that are working towards the splits! (I hope)
  • 10/3 2102 calories 30 mins speed walking Didn't do the stretching :(
  • @KaraK03 woah! That sounds like exhaustion!! Way to go!
  • 10/2 30 mins of exercise - super struggle to get this completed. 2040 calories, so right in my range! I've downloaded an app that has stretches to do to work way into splits so I did those exercises. Here we go for another day!
  • For 10/1: 30 mins of Barre! 1738 calories - missed my goal here :/ but we went to our friends for dinner so I ate til I was satisfied but got hungry again a couple hours later but since we were at their house I didn't eat anymore and by the time we got home (12:30) I was too tired to eat and just wanted to get to sleep. I…
  • Hi everyone! Im hoping to strive for discipline this month in regards to being exercise and eating. I am a serial over eater and lazy lady. I'm 3 months post partum and really wanting to get back to the size I was when I first got married.. here are my starting stats! Minutes of exercise per day: 30 minutes/day with 2 rest…
  • I'm 3 months pp and looking to fit into clothes I wore when I first got married 3 years ago!
  • Thanks everyone! This is super helpful. I think I will just up my calories a bit during these ravenging days and then drop them back down once the crazy hunger goes away. Thanks!
  • Wow!! That's great! Keep at it!! (Thinking I should hop on this band wagon)
  • I know this is semi off topic but I feel like it's challenging for me when trying to loose weight in that I often am motivated by vanity. I have moments of where I want to treat my body like a temple and to not be sunk down in gluttony but then in the background I still have the vain desires. Do you ever struggle with that?