Oh man... I eat keto, I love keto. But not because it's some kind of magic way to lose weight more quickly or something like that - but just because I feel terrible when I'm eating moderate/high carbs. That's why keto works for me and doesn't feel restricting. I get to eat pretty much anything I want and I feel great at…
Lmao, thanks for showing these. "Low carb protein cookies" with only 16g of protein and over 20g of carbs, funny :D
Kind of depends. If they're using IMO or maltitol then it's partially (~50%) digested. If it's SCF, chicory root fiber, polydextrose, tapioca fiber or glycerin then it's around 10-15%. In case of erythritol, sucralose and allulose none of the sugar alcohol carbs count.
Maybe take a look at r/ketogains.
I'm really confused by what people mean by "intermittent fasting/fasting" these days...
I enjoy working out at home (and bench and a set of free weights is pretty much all I need) but I also enjoy going to the gym. Thing is tho, I go there usually around 4am and workout in "women's section" so I don't really have a problem with having to wait for others, etc. - there's only me and my music
I used to. Only stopped ~2 weeks ago. One meal a day.
Yep! If you're going to drink, and you're on a keto diet, drink less and/or slower than you would "normally".
Hmm, capers and overnight oatmeal made with, well, oats. I quite love the alternative "oatmeal" made with hemp seeds.
Personally I find eating 1/2 serving of Ben&Jerry's/Haagen-Dazs/etc. much more satisfying than eating entire pint of Halo Top.
Yes and no. There are people that decide to fast during that two days period and there are people that decide to underfeed (~500-600kcal) during that time - depends on their goals/what they find easier to do/etc.
It can be a "day free of food"... There are different protocols. You're talking about daily schedule (16:8, 19:5, 20:4 - the warrior diet, 23:1 - one meal a day) but there are also weekly schedules like alternate day fasting or 5:2 meaning eating for five days and fasting for two days (anything longer than that is…
Hmm. a) and b) Depends. I would suggest using ketogains calculator ( to figure out your macros and calories. Keto diet doesn't have to be crazy high fat - it only needs to be low carb. c) Also depends. I feel the best when I'm eating under 20g net carbs, anything over that makes…
I have two right now, Isopure Zero Carb Cookies & Cream (which is my favorite) and Quest Salted Caramel.
Why do you feel that way?
Hello and good luck! :)