itseclair Member


  • Height: 162.5 cm HW: 152 lbs UGW: 110 lbs - December SW: 145 lbs December Goal: 142 lbs Attempting to lose 3 pounds this month! December 1st: 145 lbs December 11th: 145 lbs - the last time i plateaued (which was like 3 almost 4 weeks) i ended up getting upset at myself and gained back 5 lbs. this time im not going to do…
  • Height: 162.5 cm HW: 152 lbs UGW: 110 lbs - December SW: 145 lbs December Goal: 142 lbs Attempting to lose 3 pounds this month! December 1st: 145 lbs - Wowowow last month of 2017! Wishing everyone good luck! Lets end 2017 on a good note by reaching our December Goal hehe :)
  • SW October- 145 lbs SW November- 150lbs Nov 1st- 150 lbs Nov 7th- 148 lbs Nov 15th- 147 lbs Nov 18th- 145 lbs Nov 30th- November Goal 147 lbs ✔ New november Goal: 144 lbs - I'm so close to my new november goal lol! I really do think intermittent fasting is great especially because it works well with my schedule haha -…
  • SW October- 145 lbs SW November- 150lbs Nov 1st- 150 lbs Nov 7th- 148 lbs Nov 15th- 147 lbs Nov 23rd- Nov 30th- November Goal 147 lbs ✔ New november Goal: 144 lbs - I just reached my november goal of 147 lbs! however theres still 15 days left of the month, so I think im going to aim for 144 lbs next! hehe
  • SW October- 145 lbs SW November- 150lbs Nov 1st- 150 lbs Nov 7th- 148 lbs Nov 16th- Nov 23rd- Nov 30th- November Goal 147 lbs ---- So I decided to try out intermittent fasting this month (after doing some research) and i think its okay so far (: Has anyone tried this before?
  • Height 162.5 cm - HW: 152 lbs CW: 145 lbs GW: 135 lbs - 10/5: 145 lbs 10/12: 146 lbs 10/21: 150 lbs 11/7: 148 lbs
  • SW October- 145 lbs SW November- 150lbs Nov 1st- 150 lbs Nov 9th- Nov 16th- Nov 23rd- Nov 30th- November Goal 147 lbs
  • Height 162.5 cm - HW: 152 lbs CW: 145 lbs GW: 135 lbs - Wk 1: 145 lbs [Oct/5/17] Wk 2: 146 lbs [Oct/12/17] Wk 3: Wk 4: Wk 5: Wk 6: Wk 7: Wk 8: Wk 9: Wk 10: Wk 11:
  • Height: 162.5 cm Age: 18 Hw: 152 lbs August 10th Cw: 145 lb Ugw: 110 lbs October goal: 140- 142 lbs Oct 5: 145 lbs Oct 12: 146 lbs Oct 19: Oct 26: Definitely had a terrible week last week, but what i learnt is that its all about having self control. This past long weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada, and oml there was just…
  • Height 162.5 cm - HW: 152 lbs CW: 145 lbs GW: 135 lbs - Wk 1: 145 lbs [Oct/5/17] Wk 2: Wk 3: Wk 4: Wk 5: Wk 6: Wk 7: Wk 8: Wk 9: Wk 10: Wk 11:
  • Height: 162.5 cm Age: 18 Hw: 152 lbs August 10th Cw: 145 lb Ugw: 110 lbs October goal: 140- 142 lbs Oct 5: 145 lbs Oct 12: Oct 19: Oct 26: Not quite happy as I've been weighing at 145 pounds for the past 3 weeks, however I'm glad that I haven't gained instead :)
  • Hey guys! My goal is to lose anywhere from 2-5 pounds this month haha. Looking forward to see your progress in these following weeks <3 Height: 162.5 cm Age: 18 Hw: 152 lbs August 10th Cw: 145 lb Ugw: 110 lbs October goal: 140- 142 lbs Oct 5: Oct 12: Oct 19: Oct 26:
  • I weigh myself once a week every Thursday morning after I've used the bathroom. Its a bit hard to control myself from weighing-in every day, but i know its for the best as its not good to obsess over every single pound lost or gained. Good luck on your journey (: