
  • Hi! You're close enough :-). The one through your job wasn't by chance Omada (it had a different name before and I can't remember what it was). I also did it.
  • Would have helped if I had also jumped in here :-). I'm in San Francisco, CA.
    in Roll Call! Comment by BPRKEY August 2017
  • Good to know! I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • I think it's probably that they have been subjected to all of the examples we're sharing and are responding with defense (some here have even suggested that's what we should do). I think you're good. That's polite and appropriate. Just know that there is a very good chance the guy that just past her called her "hot lips"…
  • Can we all agree that harassment is not an issue of attractiveness? So now if a woman is "pretty" she has to deal with harassment. And if she isn't getting harassed she isn't "pretty"? This is madness. It's simple: 1. There's a difference between wanting to meet someone and harassing them. If you want to introduce yourself…
  • Can you please re-read your comment? This is a perfect example. "It [harassment] happens to all pretty women around the world...it's just how the cookie crumbles". Absolutely not. This is not a complimentary statement. It's creepy. Also it is suggesting that she just suck it up. Nope. This is not okay. The entire comment…
  • You have ZERO responsibility to do anything so that you won't be harassed. ZERO. One more time for the people in the back, ZERO. We are not wolves. We are human beings with an ability to control ourselves. Those men are the ones that need to adjust their behavior. We're evolved enough to know the difference between a…
  • Nope. I don't need to adjust how I look to avoid being harassed. I do get that there are certain things, like, staying off the phone, not appearing distracted, that are common sense safety measures. But I do not need to learn to have a "resting *kitten* face" so that I am not harassed. People need to learn that they don't…
  • I did it for about 6 months. It was by far the most successful I have ever been in weight loss. I lost 30 lbs. However, I did find that it wasn't sustainable for me to go 100% keto. I went off track for awhile and am working my way back to modified keto. I still don't eat a lot of starchy things though. I never eat rice…
  • I would agree with most everyone here. You have to do what is good for you AND what is going to be safe. If your team (therapist/doctors) are on board, then you do what is going to be helpful. Though I have never heard a clinician say eating a good, balanced diet was contraindicated for maintaining good mental health. That…
  • Very simply, no. I've used everything under the sun. I will say that when I went blonde I did need high-quality products or I would get brassy. So I stopped going blonde. I use a drug store shampoo and conditioner ($4-5 ea) and another dry shampoo($6) The only product I spend $ on is a blow dry cream because for me it…
  • I third Halo Top! (The Red Velvet is my fave).
  • One of the best pieces of advice I have ever been given is to drink a glass of water first. Often when our bodies think we are hungry we are actually thirsty. It has worked wonders.
    in Munchies Comment by BPRKEY August 2017
  • Hi! I'm new too and also have a long road ahead of me. Feel free to add me!