What are your current stats? Doesn't need to be exact, just gathering a general picture of your strengths/weaknesses. Height: Weight: Body fat %: Age: Bench Press: 1rm, 3rm or 5rm Deadlift: 1rm, 3rm or 5rm Squat: 1rm, 3rm or 5rm Overhead Press: 10rm Chin ups: how many reps with body weight/how many reps with weight Pull…
Post up your current strength training program, cardio program and diet.
AnvilHead nailed it. With that said, given your intrigue in the intermittent fasting and carb cycling program I'd explore that.
What does your current training program look like?
What does a typical week of training look like for you? What does a typical week of eating look like for you?
Do you like being in the heavier bf range because you feel/appear "bigger" ?
Go with a chicken or steak fajita with lots and lots of vegetables.
What are your goals?
What does your exercise program look like?
Here's one of my post workout shake recipes 1. Frozen Banana(s) 2. Blueberries 3. LivingFuel SuperGreens 4. Goat Whey Protein 5. Almonds 6. Spring Water or Cashew Milk 7. BCAA's * If I need extra calories I'll do some version of the following - Add oats - Add Clean Carbs from a company called Equip