globalhiker Member


  • I'm in for Jan. ZERO alcohol days. I find it the easiest way to drink less overall. Goal is to only drink non-alcoholic beverages and have a variety stocked in the house. Every week I continue success, I treat myself to a gift. I started this last Fall and have zero anxiety and my blood pressure -at the doctor's- is down…
  • Still in AF mode till NYE. It was a bad behavior day though and my lame excuse is that it was too cold out. So I stayed in, ate the last of the lemon cheesecake and it was so good with a cup of hot coffee, then took a long nap. I forgot about the gym altogether. OOPs.
  • Broke my AF streak on Christmas Eve and I saw it coming. I did not buy wine. Family brought over various bourbons, whiskeys and tequila and I wanted to sample all of it. Happy there was no hangover (that's only because the drinking started and ended early). Today I thought, it wasn't really worth the calories. But the food…
  • @xbowhunter, cheering you on from afar. Still AF here. What's nice about a long AF stretch, for me, is that I don't think about drinking, I don't have to count anything, and there is no stress or cravings or anything. It's liberating to have my relaxed brain back. I'm into 100% pink grapefruit juice, super-chilled.
  • Still following the AF plan. No cravings past few days, no emergency drives to the market for chocolate. No fake AF drinks. The mental freedom of not thinking about drinking and the even-keel feeling I have going right now, I like. I'll keep going and just focus on getting it right today. I likely had a few low-stress days…
  • @ahoy_m8 Happy B-day to you and DH....! @Michieb125 good ideas you have. What brand pea protein do you use? @lmlmrn, it was @dawnbgethealthy that was our Canadian ice-skater. I hope she is listening and stops by to say hello. Also hoping @Lilylady3k is doing well. Still going NA. Tomorrow I go to the gym and I will see…
  • You ALL inspire me. Everything you all write inspires me, especially the honesty. This is month 2 for me not drinking (shh...keep it a secret). The day before I started I drank 2 bottles of champagne by myself in a day and a half. That scared me since I had not done that before and I had to change. My husband now sees how…
  • @ahoy_m8, I am so sorry for your loss and the aftermath you are experiencing. Hugs for you. You make realize how I need to let go of things I can't control and focus on things I can. Here, still AF and haven't set any drinking goals for the holidays. My goal is to work on getting into the best shape of my life.
  • Still going AF-strong. My waistline is starting show and the fat rolls in my upper back under my arms disappeared. Yet, I am eating more than before. Yes, more (particularly holiday chocolates). I used to always try to drink the lowest-calorie wine I could find and I would intentionally eat 2 meals and sometimes 1, instead…
  • Still on my AF streak. I am almost afraid to have a drink and risk setting off a pre-holiday drinking spree. Plus, it's soooo nice to have days without no cravings. Yesterday I had none. I'm working on "treating" myself by buying myself presents each successful week. It's my own mental game to keep me going and it's…
  • Still AF. Saturday was tough. My spouse started his beer drinking midday and kept going until he fell asleep in kitchen at 7pm. Then there was the Christmas Tree argument. He's refusing to bring down the tree from the attic. I called him a grinch and the night went downhill from there. I coped with drinking 3 zero alcohol…
  • AF today and had 2 Reeds ginger diet ginger beers instead. I'm doing good but don't ask my husband who insists I've been "bitchy" in the afternoons since I stopped drinking. I'm optimistic about December. It may not be so bad as it seems. I'm staying away from the busy shopping areas and long lines that would drive me to…
  • 2 more days to November left, where did it go? Still AF and not counting because if I start, I will convince myself I now deserve to reward myself with bubbly wine. It happens all the time. I did get hit with work stress yesterday and had to work into the night to meet a deadline so ran out and got a 6 pack of Corona NA…
  • Made it past Thanksgiving and Black Friday with no drinks! Holidays, trips, and unexpected stress still are a big problem for me to master. I drank a bottle of TOST faux-rose instead. I got a sugar high from it. I did have company and I had a bottle of wine along with a bottle of cognac that family brought over, both…
  • Still not drinking and not counting either. I feel pretty good. I am indulging in the Trader Joes's dark chocolate peanut butter cups. Those are better than booze for me. BTW I did start to get arthritis and A LOT of stiffness and not drinking gave me a huge improvement. I want to say I went from 80% discomfort down to 5%…
  • Checking in - have not been drinking and don't plan to. Hopefully I'll be reporting the inches lost from my waist by month-end. I'm with @SunnyDays930, following the plan of no drinks. I hope to follow this through the holidays and just make this a permanent thing.
  • Thanks everyone for your inspirations. I've tried Fevertree but not the cucumber one. Now I am curious. 10/20-AF, no problem, didn't think of drinking, power-walked 2 hours. 10/21-AF, bad sleep, woke up at 3 a.m., then took a long nap in the afternoon, felt jet lagged all day, still went to the gym. 10/22-AF, very…
  • 10/16 - AF 10/17- 2 small bottles LaMarca prosecco (BUT combined they equal 5 servings -OOPS - they were really discounted, I bought 2, had one with lunch and the other was meant for "another day" but the temptation in the house made me pop it open 5 hours later at dinner time. 510 calories it cost me as well. REGRET! Note…
  • @MissMay, your photo shows a perfect blue sky and clean air and you both look very happy, hope you enjoy your travels! I'm not a Vegas person, in fact, as soon as I get there I want to drive out to Utah parks, but nonetheless, Vegas lights at night were always impressive. I did have some delicious asian food there. There…
  • Oct 11 - 13 - AF! YAY! I stuck to my diet too. I can usually pull it off for a few days. Oct 14 - bought a bottle of french rose that wasn't worth it. Opaline Pinot Noir Brut Rose. Stupid move buying a pretty bottle on sale. It was not worth it and actually tasted sour or spoiled by the heat. I should've just trashed it,…
  • AF - the past 4 nights and feeling glorious and then today - not! Ugh. My usual trouble (devil) got to me - that is going to the supermarket hungry, tired, and irritable, at 5pm (@MissMay knows this). A bottle of California pinot grigio made it's way home. Lessons learned - humans repeat the same behaviors over and over…
  • 10/1- 2 poison bourbon 10/2- 0 10/3- 1 poison prosecco 10/4- off the rails, didn't count, didn't care mentality due to a bad mood and blood sugar discombobulation. I was also "hangry". 10/5- no planned liquid poisons today @MissMay, how do you keep lots of gelato in your freezer and not eat it??
  • 10/1- 2 poison bourbon 10/2- 0 10/3- 1 poison prosecco Craving chocolate gelato SO BADLY. This is what drinking less does to me. Anyways, helpful for me to think about the wine as the poison because it really is. Managing so far by forbidding myself to buy a bottle. It's the mini-single serving or nothing.
  • Happy Birthday, @MissMay ! 10/1- 2 @Womona, I went to the South Tyrol region (Italy border with Austria), Tyrol, and also Salzkammergut area (both in Austria). Wonderful time of year and super-charming towns. I'd like to go again but instead of the hassles and cost of car rental, gas, parking (and looking for parking), we…
  • Happy Birthday to @forestdweller1! There's a bunch of us with Oct. B-days. Mine is the 28th. Starting the month feeling elated and taking a break from work to focus on getting myself and home back in order. I've let so many things slide since I worked 50-60 hour weeks for so long. There's no income for unnecessary stuff…
  • Hello - I know I have been out of pocket for awhile. I have been away for close to 3 weeks traveling in central Europe. Now back in the U.S., wine tastes literally yukky in comparison and it's so much more expensive here. And the food quality is not the same. Anyway, I would like to re-join the effort for self-improvement…
  • I've been in my own 12 hour a day work world and trying to catch up! Good news is that I came to realize I have to chase my happiness and quit being perfect. Well, my husband gave me a lecture tonight about it and he knows my personality and he is right most always. I am learning I need to sometimes slow down a lot and…
  • I seriously appreciate the uplifting energy and the motivation you all give me. Apologize I do post less only because my work hours have been taxing (ahem...toxic). Your posts make me think of what is getting in the way of the self-change that I want. I hope you all contemplate this also because we are all very capable of…
  • Did well this week. 2.5 lbs down at Weight Watchers. It's because I am not buying wine. And it helps not being on vacation. I can get another 1-1.5 lbs weight off me by next weekend if I keep moving in the right direction.
  • AF first 2 days in August. All change takes work and it's not easy and I usually don't sleep great but it is what it is and yes I feel edgy but it will pass. I accept the fact that motivation is sometimes just not there for me when I need it and I need to be smart enough to seek it. Normally, my motivation comes from…