I work best with motivation and accountability! and I can help you with the same! Let's help each other! 👊
Hi everyone! I'm Mel, 37, from Idaho. I'm a wife and mama to a teenager. I'm trying to finally shed this excess weight I've been dragging around. I'm 30lbs heavier than I've ever been in my life (INCLUDING pregnant), and it's a horrible feeling. My biggest hurdle is by far motivation -- I stick with it for a week or so and…
Pushing 40! I would love new friends and motivation! I wanna crush some goals!!
Hi there! I would love it if we could motivate each other! Together we can definitely CRUSH our goals! :) <3
I would love some friends! Motivation is definitely my biggest hurdle, so let's all keep each other accountable! Let's all crush our goals! :) <3
I would LOVE more friends! Let's all motivate each other and have fun while we do it!! :)